DOJ Has Quietly Been Publishing Documents Related To Trump-Russia Probe – IOTW Report

DOJ Has Quietly Been Publishing Documents Related To Trump-Russia Probe


The Justice Department has for weeks been quietly releasing internal agency emails and documents related to the Trump-Russia probe.

The documents include correspondence related to the Steele dossier, internal discussions about news coverage of the investigation, and even an email that a lawyer for President Donald Trump sent then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein urging an investigation of Fusion GPS.

The Justice Department published email correspondence Tuesday between Peter Strzok, the FBI official who opened the Trump-Russia probe, and Bruce Ohr, a Justice Department official who played a key role as middleman between the FBI and dossier author Christopher Steele.

DOJ published 140 pages of documents on its website Wednesday related to Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that hired dossier author Christopher Steele on behalf of Democrats.

DOJ has quietly published other batches of documents incrementally over the past several months, but the pace of publication has increased over the past week. It is unclear what is behind the uptick in transparency, though the Justice Department’s inspector general is expected to soon release a report that will touch on many of the topics discussed in the documents.

The batch of documents released Wednesday include emails that former Trump lawyer John Dowd sent to Rosenstein in late 2017 urging the Justice Department to investigation Fusion GPS, which investigated the Trump campaign on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign. keep reading

12 Comments on DOJ Has Quietly Been Publishing Documents Related To Trump-Russia Probe

  1. So now it comes down to believing the reality of facts or the “reality” the DeMedia cabal wants the American people see! Hopefully the courts will recognize facts, not perception.
    Start up the Perp-March music please and let the games begin!

  2. Let’s hope this heats up real good.
    We need some convictions to seal-the-deal
    for us in 2020 NOV.If a commie demo gets
    in the white house next year THIS COUNTRY IS DONE!


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