DOJ Inspector General to accuse McCabe of pre-election leaks, lying to investigators – IOTW Report

DOJ Inspector General to accuse McCabe of pre-election leaks, lying to investigators

CFP:In January, when FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe abandoned ship ahead of an agency review, it raised more than a few eyebrows. McCabe was due to retire March 18th, but suddenly walked away with little in the way of an explanation. No one knew quite what to make of it, but his exit sure had all the earmarks of a guy who was getting out of town while the getting was good.

Maybe now we have some idea as to why he left so suddenly.

According to a late-breaking WaPo report, McCabe is about to be accused of leaking material to the press in the run-up to the 2016 election – and he apparently misled investigators who were working to examine what happened.

This will not help the FBI’s already tainted reputation… From the WaPo:

The Justice Department inspector general is preparing a damaging report on former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, alleging he was responsible for approving an improper media disclosure, two people familiar with the matter said. One of the people said McCabe will also be accused of misleading investigators about his actions.

The report is a part of Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s broad review of the FBI and Justice Department’s handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. MORE

15 Comments on DOJ Inspector General to accuse McCabe of pre-election leaks, lying to investigators

  1. Well, we have had plenty of talk in the last year or so, and I see all the perps walking around stirring up shit at every opportunity. The legal system better start getting something done pretty soon.

  2. To me what matters is -we will all stand at the judgement seat of God to give an account of our lives…so let them all enjoy it while they can. Vengence is mine says the Lord..😃

  3. Just passn thru, that’s all well and good but I want these bastards to face justice in their mortal lives, here and now. This bullshit about getting away with it while they are alive will only encourage more criminal atheists to try and get away with everything they can. I say punish them now AND for eternity!

  4. Just passn thru — I understand Joe6pak’s comment, but you’re right. This will always be a fallen world full of injustice. That’s the way it is. I’ve always said I was glad vengeance was never up to me. It would be a wonderful thing for the good guys to win once in a while, but I’m pretty sad for the McCabes of the world who will have eternity to reflect.

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