DOJ National Security Division Official, David Laufman, Quits – IOTW Report

DOJ National Security Division Official, David Laufman, Quits

CTH: David Laufman was the Department of Justice, National Security Division, Deputy Asst. Attorney General in charge of counterintelligence, cyber security, counterespionage and export controls.

As most people are now aware the epicenter of the DOJ/FBI Clinton-Steele operation against candidate Trump stemmed from a collaborate “small group” effort of Main Justice officials within the National Security Division (John P Carlin – head), and officials within the FBI centered around the Counterintelligence Division (Bill Priestap – head).


According to the Washington Post, David Laufman resigned effective yesterday, Wednesday February 7th:

David Laufman, an experienced federal prosecutor who in 2014 became chief of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, said farewell to colleagues Wednesday. He cited personal reasons.

His departure from the high-pressure job comes as President Trump and his Republican allies have stepped up attacks on the Justice Department, the FBI and special counsel Robert S. Mueller III for their handling of the Russia probe. (more)

In his former position, Laufman would have been involved and hold knowledge of the FISA “Title-1” surveillance program initiated on target Carter Page and the “incidental” Trump campaign officials.  Laufman would also have close contact with former Asst. Deputy Attorney Bruce Ohr; husband of Fusion GPS employee Nellie Ohr.  Keep Reading

22 Comments on DOJ National Security Division Official, David Laufman, Quits

  1. Did you watch Nancy yesterday. Anybody wonder why Chuck wasn’t helping him out?

    “Feb 7 2018 16:25:34
    ID: 0110e1
    Martha M on Fox just said that Nancy must have felt betrayed by Chuck because he gave in on the government shutdown regarding DACA!!!
    Feb 7 2018 16:29:09
    ID: eb3537
    Thank you for visiting the WH.

    He’s talking about Chuck.

  2. Q either has a crystal ball that is feeding him/her all kinds of info, or Q really has connections to high places. Whatever the case is, Q is allowing a lot of good people an opportunity to discuss what is happening out there. No matter who or what he is, I’m a fan. We may never know, but I’m hoping its Mike Rogers, I already like him.

  3. Yes, I did have the same trouble, still do. Q is followed by several people on Twitter and as a result Q’s stuff gets posted right away. Most prominent is QAnon, but there are several. They are interesting as heck.

  4. A small group of people? This involves a huge number of people.
    The information that will come out will shock people to the core. Even those somewhat informed.
    #Qanon on 8 channel is the legitimate information. Other threads repeat some of what he is saying and some are leftists trying to twist the message. This is a world wide issue involving many countries. #Qanon is most likely of the highest security as he has been known to travel with Trump. If you start to decipher his hints you will see the pattern and understand what he is saying. Pass the information on to everyone. We want the
    uninformed to know what is happening.

  5. So what’s the administrative body count (so to speak) at this point? Yes, you can count the hildebeest and Weiner.
    Ohr wasn’t fired, just demoted or something.
    Anyone else?

  6. RosalindJ, I just saw this at Gateway Pundit:

    “Michael Kortan, the FBI’s Head of Public Affairs and longtime aide to former bureau chief James Comey, is leaving his post.”

    Add him to the list.

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