DOJ now looking into voter fraud allegations in Nevada – IOTW Report

DOJ now looking into voter fraud allegations in Nevada


[…] A Justice Department official said the agency is looking into allegations of voter fraud in Nevada after attorneys for the state’s GOP and the Trump campaign sent Attorney General William Barr a letter Thursday detailing what they said were votes cast by people who appear to have left the state.

The official confirmed the department had received the letter but declined to provide other details. The attorneys said in the letter that there were 3,062 individuals who allegedly voted by mail fraudulently. The identified voters appear to have left the state, the letter said, based on a search of a national change-of-address database. MORE

16 Comments on DOJ now looking into voter fraud allegations in Nevada

  1. Sessions, Barr…et al. What’s going on with this recusal/foot-dragging crap?

    It’s either the Dems have something on their past lives to threaten or blackmail them with, they are Dem agents, or these people are actual chicken shits afraid (or don’t know how) to do their jobs. Wake up Barr!

  2. Not just limited to Nevada, but Trump has hired David Bossie to investigate/litigate voter fraud in multiple cities.

    Bossie worked as an investigator for the House in the 90’s and almost took down Clinton twice. He exposed Whitewater, which led to the Special Counsel & impeachment, as well as Chinese pay-for-play (later buried by DOJ).

    Speaker Newt Gingrich fired him for being too aggressive.

    Sounds good so far. If Trump is picking someone like Bossie, he’s probably looking to uncover everything, not just voter fraud. Enjoy the show.


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