DOJ, Sessions announce Chicago will get additional law enforcement resources – IOTW Report

DOJ, Sessions announce Chicago will get additional law enforcement resources

FOX: Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday revealed that the Justice Department would be giving Chicago law enforcement additional resources to help combat crime and also filed a brief in opposition to a proposal to reform city policing practices.

In large cities like Chicago, the duty to maintain “public safety, security and order” generally falls upon their police departments, Sessions said in a news release from the Justice Department.

“There is one government institution, and one alone, that has the ability to make Chicago safer – that is the Chicago Police Department,” Sessions said. “Our goal should be to empower it to fulfill its duties, not to restrict its proper functioning or excessively demean the entire department for the errors of a few. Make no mistake: Unjustified restrictions on proper policing and disrespect for our officers directly led to this tragic murder surge in Chicago.”  read more

11 Comments on DOJ, Sessions announce Chicago will get additional law enforcement resources

  1. Who gives a fu … let Illinois handle Illinois without interference from the Feds.
    Maybe the political maggots in Illinois could quit stealing for a month or two and get all the cops they need?
    I’m not convinced that the ghetto-rats want police protection, anyway.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Val, according to Q (yeah, I know, but his stuff has been pretty on-beam lately) we will be pleasantly surprised when the trap is sprung; the successful Kavanaugh confirmation was a large part of that. *shrugs* We’ll see.

  3. Aww… Look at El Jeffy! Ain’t he cute?

    Hey, Jeff. You know what? In “large cities” (like Chicago) the only (do you math, Jeff? “only” means “all”… “everything less zero”) way to return (it’s too late to “maintain”) “public safety” (you know, the safety of the “public”? the peasants) is to extirpate the city government. The entirety of the city government. Everyone hired by the city government. Can you suss that out, Jeff?

    Tell you what, Jeff… Why don’t you just put your head back down on The Notorious RBG? You’re both so much cuter when you’re drooling unconscious. Drooling while conscious is never a good look.

  4. You don’t arrest and charge people like Hillary Clinton and her minions without good solid evidence. It takes time to compile that evidence, make sure it’s verifiable, and will prove your case. And if you blab about everything you’re doing to the NYT or late night talk show hosts–like 0bama did–your enemies/suspects/minions will know exactly what you’re up to and what they have to do to slither out from under the case being built. Their FBI pets will write up pre-investigation conclusions that say they found nothing and everybody is innocent. Trump is working behind the scenes because that’s the best way to do it–the only way to do it.

    Can you imagine what the media would do if he announced to the public that Hillary was in his sights and she was going down? I know how long it’s been, but I also know that Trump will keep his promises–even with half the country working against him. He’s fighting enemies from within and from outside.

    Sessions doesn’t seek the spotlight, but he’s also working steadily and getting things done–and they’re important things, like stopping child traffickers. If you seriously expected Hillary in handcuffs as soon as Trump was sworn in, you need to realize that she’s a political behemoth and has power still, and it has to be done right because we’ll likely only get once chance to take her down. Stop figuratively pounding on Trump’s doors and let the man work.

    I’m sorry this is OT, but the naysayers tend to bother me. We all need to blow off steam at times, but the constant drumbeat of “He’s not doing this! He should do that! And he should have done it in January 2017!” is getting old. I guess Hillary should have won and then we all would really have something to gripe about. 🙁

    And I don’t really GAS about Chicago. They brought this mess on themselves.


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