DOJ: There Is No Pandemic Exception to the U.S. Constitution – IOTW Report

DOJ: There Is No Pandemic Exception to the U.S. Constitution

President Donald Trump’s Department of Justice just made a declaration that Obama’s never would have: that there is no pandemic exception to the U.S. Constitution.

Lockdowns were initially justified under the basis that we have “fifteen days to flatten the curve.” They’ve since continued for two months, and some Blue State Governors have gone as far as to say they won’t fully reopen until a vaccine is available. That’s just a fancy way of justifying a “lockdown forever” policy, because the fastest vaccine ever brought to market took four years. While it is great to see some companies stating that they’ll be able to have a vaccine within a year, it was be an unprecedented feat (and still way to long to delay reopening regardless). more

7 Comments on DOJ: There Is No Pandemic Exception to the U.S. Constitution

  1. But, in practice, there seem to be many exceptions to the Constitution that aren’t written in the Constitution.

    It’s what the Courts decide is allowed that counts, not what the Constitution says or what the people may or may not want.

  2. WTF, am I on drugs or are they stomping on just about every individual amendment there is. And they’re looking for verbiage specifically addressing something the founders never anticipated? Let’s see what the Supremes say about this.

  3. I never thought about it this way. Incredible!

    I have said to my family, many times, that I truly believe the United States Constitution in the most perfect document ever written.

    There may be better, but I have not seen it yet.

    It is sad that so many Americans do not understand that.

    Or maybe THOSE people do, and that is why they attack it so often.

  4. so why, are We The Sheeple listening to the unlawful pronouncements from our Nazi Governors???

    isn’t there one organization that wants to take on just one of these usurpers?
    has the whole country gone full tuck-your-tail & roll over?

    … it appears so ……. how absolutely sad

  5. “Insure domestic Tranquility”, and “Promote the general Welfare”, these are the Constitutional strata that will be manipulated (bastardized) to justify their despotic edicts.

    Even more reasons to push back, voice displeasure and opposition, to stand firm and resolute in defending our civil liberties. And pray that Trump gets re-elected so that when, finally, that old bat RBG passes on, we get a strict constructionist to replace her. Any and all liberties we hold dear can be summarily overturned by SCOTUS, look how close HELLER was.

  6. …just remember before you go trusting the Court to sort it out, the court once found that Black people could be owned, and the Court also once found that babies are property to be destroyed at will too, based on nothing more than “Eminations from the penumbra of the Constitution”…

    “”The foregoing cases suggest that specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance.”

    …to liberals, of which all 4 females on the Court are (and very radical ones too, and yes, Breyer is a chick just an extra ugly one), the Constitution is a “Living Document”, to be pounded into the shape of the times.

    And I’m QUITE sure whoever has those naked pictures of Roberts still has them, or he would have smacked Contreras and his jacked-up FISA court down long ago, and since he happly mangled toe Constitution ONCE for Obamacare, I would fully expect him to serve the deep state on nothmg less than full-on imposition of tyranny, joining the ladies out of whatever fear causes him to stammer out thoroughly unconstitutional rulings that he CLEARLY does not HIMSELF believe.

    …freedom comes in four boxes…looks like we’re about down to the last one…


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