DOJ to sit out whistleblower lawsuit accusing Pfizer of ‘cutting corners’ in COVID vaccine trial – IOTW Report

DOJ to sit out whistleblower lawsuit accusing Pfizer of ‘cutting corners’ in COVID vaccine trial

The U.S. government is not getting directly involved in a whistleblower lawsuit alleging that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials included fraud, though it might try to dismiss the lawsuit later.

The Justice Department, representing the FDA, filed a “notice of election to decline intervention” last month, more than a year after the suit was filed, but asked a federal judge to first get “written consent” from the feds if the parties want to dismiss or settle the case.

The government reserves the right to intervene at a later date in the False Claims Act lawsuit, which seeks to recover damages on its behalf and for the whistleblower, Brook Jackson.

Jackson accuses Pfizer and two contractors of “cutting corners in clinical trials” and falsifying clinical trial documents in their “race to secure billions in federal funding and become the first to market.” The result, she claims, was millions of Americans receiving “a misbranded vaccination which is potentially not as effective as represented.”

Pfizer delegated management of the worldwide clinical trial to Icon and hired Ventavia Research Group to run Phase 3 test sites in Texas. As Ventavia regional director, Jackson oversaw its trials in Fort Worth and Keller. more

4 Comments on DOJ to sit out whistleblower lawsuit accusing Pfizer of ‘cutting corners’ in COVID vaccine trial

  1. Pfffft. They can’t expend manpower to investigate or prosecute a Fauci virus thrust upon the global population.
    Joe McFlyover meandered thru the Capital Jan 6 and the tip of his right work boot crossed the velvet rope line.
    Priorities ya know, to keep the Homeland safe.

  2. “a misbranded vaccination which is potentially not as effective as represented.”

    …or, just fucking kills otherwise healthy people outright, people who weren’t that damn vulnerable to the Coof in the first place, but I guess you’d have to reword that slightly or the corrupt judge might be too butthurt by perceived disrespect that he wouldn’t even hold the fake show trial they are having where he’ll make the plaintiff spend tons of money on continuances and motions and such,only to toss the whole thing anyway just like he’s been told to.

    The only reason for the trial is for Kabuki theatre, make money for lawyers, and to make it so expensive that no one else will dare try it, with plaintiff “suicides” cued up as needed.

    Under no circumstances will this, or ANY lawsuit against Teh Narrative, ever get an actual, fair, publicized hearing.

    Nice try tho.

  3. DOJ to sit out whistleblower lawsuit accusing Pfizer of ‘cutting corners’ in COVID vaccine trial for now.

    That will change as the critical mass of individuals and their attorneys gets the ear of their elected representatives. Once the Trial Lawyers start to line the pockets of politicians the dynamic will change pronto. Big Pharma gave short shrift to the old saying: No honor among thieves. Pretty soon it is going to be all over but: Sucks to be them. THe Trial Lawyers and the elected representatives, with very few exceptions, will not give a shit about the injured parties. It all comes down to transferring the ill gotten gains to what they recognize as it’s rightful owners pockets. The Trial Lawyers don’t want to be left out of this bonanza and the mother’s milk of politics is going to find it’s way into the pockets of politicians who don’t think they have gotten their fair share yet. It is all about greed and although the politician’s insider trading of pharma stocks has enriched many of them they are still owed their “fair share” and they know how to get it.


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