DOJ wants to interview two CIA officers in Spygate probe – IOTW Report

DOJ wants to interview two CIA officers in Spygate probe

Liberty Unyielding: The Justice Department plans to interview two senior CIA officers as part of a sweeping review of surveillance activities against the Trump campaign, The New York Times reported.

Sources briefed on the plans told The Times that U.S. Attorney John Durham, who is leading the DOJ review, wants to speak with a senior CIA counterintelligence official and a senior CIA analyst who handled intelligence about Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

Attorney General William Barr is interested in finding out more about the sources the CIA relied on to assess Russia’s goals in interfering in the election, according to The Times. He also wants to know about intelligence the CIA provided the FBI in summer 2016, including about Americans associated with the Trump campaign.

One of the officials sought for an interview worked at a CIA counterintelligence mission center that worked closely with the FBI.

CIA Director Gina Haspel does not plan to block the interviews, according to The Times.

Barr, who picked Durham to lead the probe, has said he is concerned by information he has seen that U.S. agencies may have improperly surveilled members of the Trump campaign.

The Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General is already investigating the FBI’s use of the unverified Steele dossier in applications for surveillance warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. The FBI also relied on at least one longtime informant, Stefan Halper, to make contact with Trump aides, including Page and George Papadopoulos.

Halper’s first contact with Page was on July 10, 2016, which was three weeks before the FBI claims it opened its counterintelligence investigation of Trump associates.  more here

3 Comments on DOJ wants to interview two CIA officers in Spygate probe

  1. All of these alphabet agencies should be shut down. They have perpetrated treason against these United States as well as the Citizens herein…….. So many should hang that it is no longer even funny. If the Citizenry does not take care of it, nobody will.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. I’m bothered by this: “Sources briefed on the plans told The Times”.

    Why are ‘sources’ talking to the Times at all? If this was normal procedure and not a ‘leak’, then, ok. Or it might be a way that President Trump is “gnat” swarming the left with news to keep them fearful. That would be even more ok.

    But if this was information that wasn’t supposed to get out, someone better find out and stop it. So tired of the left getting a heads up so they can plan their obfuscation and destruction of evidence (and possible Arkancide).

  3. i dont care really how the thymes got the leak. the cia is like a collander, full of holes so we should expect this. I am also of the opinion that we, as taxpaying citizens and under the rule of law, should expect justice meted out fairly and squarely. I think Barr and assoc are straight shooters. Mark meadows said they have whistleblowers crawling out of the woodwork now that they see Barr is honest. Color me optimistic.

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