DOJ’s Peter Kadzik Exposed Colluding With Clinton Campaign – IOTW Report

DOJ’s Peter Kadzik Exposed Colluding With Clinton Campaign

ZeroHedge: On Monday we were the first to note that Podesta’s friend Peter Kadzik was the DOJ representative chosen to head up a “thorough” review of the new Huma Abedin emails as revealed by a letter he wrote to Congress.  Given Kadzik’s personal relationship with Podesta, it seemed like a “convenient” choice for the Clinton campaign.


In the letter to Congress, the DOJ writes that it “will continue to work closely with the FBI and together, dedicate all necessary resources and take appropriate steps as expeditiously as possible,” assistant attorney General Peter J. Kadzik writes in letters to House and Senate lawmakers.

“Ironically”, that is the same Peter Kadzik who has proven his “impartiality” in multiple WikiLeaks emails including this newly released bombshell in which Kadzik provides a very helpful “heads up” about Hillary’s email server investigation. This is what Kadzik emailed to John Podesta (via gmail) on May 19, 2015:

There is a HJC oversight hearing today where the head of our Civil Division will testify. Likely to get questions on State Department emails. Another filing in the FOIA case went in last night or will go in this am that indicates it will be awhile (2016) before the State Department posts the emails.

Perhaps Mr. Kadzik could explain to our readers – and the American public –  why this particular message was delivered via his private, gmail account rather than his official DOJ email account?  


5 Comments on DOJ’s Peter Kadzik Exposed Colluding With Clinton Campaign

  1. Loretta was supposed to recuse herself, which she doesn’t do. If Obama wants to truly distance himself from this, replace this Clinton shill Kadzik with a real impartial third party from the DOJ, if any are left. If not, get one of the many FBI senior officials to oversee it. Get the DOJ out of the mix, as they are the tainted, poxed problem.

  2. Could it get any better than this?! Just caught this news from Trump’s 1st (of 3) rallies in FL today.

    We’ve all known — all along — that the WH and ITS DoJ colluded with its party apparatus, including its candidate, from the beginning. It’s how obama became president in the first place. Chicago rules. I wouldn’t be surprised if the actual Mafia mafia is getting a kickback.

  3. I have also wondered what the payback will be when Gramma Cankles loses? You know the Cartels and Mafia and Soros don’t just give away that money and watch it flushed down the proverbial toilets. There will be payback. BJ BIll and HIll probably also know this, and hope the Emir of Qatar can keep them safe. Secret Service better NOT go along to protect that worm BJ Bill. Trump should fire them if they try.

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