Dollar Sean Club – IOTW Report

Dollar Sean Club

One of the best campaign ads I’ve seen in a while.
Sean Parnell (R) US House candidate, PA-17.

Sean Parnell for Congress.

20 Comments on Dollar Sean Club

  1. I’m ONE (1) mile north, of having him as MY congressman! 🙁

    My district got gerrymandered in 2012 – now I’m stuck with Mike Dumbass – I mean, DOYLE: perpetual DUMBASS. 🙄

  2. DAMN!! I might have to move to Penn in order to vote for this guy. I am kidding, I am not a Democrat.
    I am not too proud to say I have turned down advances by the NRCC and NRSC, because I want to choose where my money goes. Sean can expect me to make a donation and good luck to him.

  3. The Squad in Congress: AOC, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib.
    Let’s put up an opposing group:
    Jim Jordan, Dan Crenshaw, Sean Parnell.
    Yes, I know only three listed, but even one of them could take the entire Squad on by themselves.
    If more of the most conservative Republicans would actually speak out nationally, I will gladly add them to the list

  4. @Dianny – not sure, but the rest of the message was on point. Add that he is willing to have some fun, is a good thing. Not that the national press will show those pieces.

  5. …I agree with everything he said, but riding on the side of the forklift TWICE is a clear violation of OSHA regulations that Democrats will use to close his business and have him removed from the ballot as unfit for office…

    …rules are for Republicans, and WILL be rigorously enforced, right down to skitching on industrial vehicles.

    …democrats, on the other hand, may murder and commit treason on camera with impunity.

    …if you’re gonna run for office, best if you remember that..

  6. @Tony R – I never take any politician at face value. Do you have anything that is causing you to doubt him? I am not doubting you, but I don’t have enough time to fully vet and follow everyone.
    Other than the Red Flag laws.

  7. Watch His Face as He drops the “Burnie” Pic…It’s a Gag.

    Good Commercial, No lulls, constant moving…It’ll keep Our Younger

    Short attention span Viewers alert.


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