DOMESTIC TERROR: Sacramento DA reacts to Antifa targeting her office: ‘This was a planned attack’ – IOTW Report

DOMESTIC TERROR: Sacramento DA reacts to Antifa targeting her office: ‘This was a planned attack’

Geller Report:

[…] Antifa’s endgame is the destruction of democracy through violence, intimidation and coercion, according to Sacramento District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert.

Schubert’s office was attacked and vandalized last week by far-left Antifa members, in what she called a part of their onslaught against buildings in the downtown Sacramento area. more here

13 Comments on DOMESTIC TERROR: Sacramento DA reacts to Antifa targeting her office: ‘This was a planned attack’

  1. It’s interesting Sacramento County has an ultra lib mayor and city council, but an ultra conservative sheriff and their DA, Anne Marie Schubert, is off the charts conservative. How the hell does that happen?

  2. This is, by definition, terrorism so why not start calling it that and have law enforcement pursue it as such?

    There are some pretty strong laws to use against terrorism and terrorists and those who finance them, let’s start putting them to use before it’s too late.

  3. Madam, how lucky you are that you actually have the power to do something about it. Let your local law enforcement know in no uncertain terms that you will adhere to the rule of law and actually prosecute any person arrested for vandalism, looting, disturbing the peace, inciting a riot, or committing violence of any kind. Create a task force and work in conjunction with the FBI to expose the organizers. Tell those brave officers that risk life and limb every day that you have their backs, they catch ’em, you clean ’em.

    You will be surprised (maybe not) what gutless pussies most of these ANTIFA f@cks really are. Once arrested you have the power to incarcerate them, this will not only get them off the streets but will send a message that Sacramento is not Portland and will not abide their criminality.

  4. They refuse to let him talk because they refuse to believe the “peaceful protesters” are rioting. How could places like Minnesota request federal funds if everything was peaceful?

    open and click to home article for more details

    clearly shows their complete disconnect from the situation.

  5. Kamal Harris is still cheering on, encouraging the rioting, as seen in a video played on Tucker Carlson last evening.

    Kamal, “The riots are not going to let up, and they should not.”

    Tucker Carlson 9 4 20 .

    [I posted the same link earlier in a different blog post, but thought it worthy of a second chance of being seen. This alone makes her unworthy of the VP office]

  6. The day I feel sympathy for anyone who participates in the “Legal Industrial Complex” is half-past never.

    The system shakes down and drags people through the court system, innocent or guilty, depletes their nest egg to PROVE their innocence, police are legally allowed to lie to citizens but not in reverse, and now this D.A. is whining life is getting a little bit hard.

    Ha! I don’t think so, quit and go do something else if you can’t handle a little bit of social pressure.


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