Domestic violence victim jailed for not testifying against attacker – IOTW Report

Domestic violence victim jailed for not testifying against attacker

Judge, prosecutors questioned over jailing domestic-violence victim.

jerri collins judge florida

OrlandoSentinel– Seminole County judge’s decision to scold and sentence a domestic-violence victim to three days in jail for failing to testify against her attacker is raising questions about whether the case was handled appropriately.

The scene unfolded in Jerri Collins’ courtroom in July as a sobbing woman tried to explain why she didn’t attend the trial for the father of her 1-year-old son — even though a subpoena required her presence and the judge seated a jury.

“Your Honor, I’m very sorry for not attending …,” said the woman. “I’ve been dealing with depression and a lot of personal anxiety since this happened …”

A video of the proceeding shows Collins, a former prosecutor who took the bench in 2006, retorting: “You think you’re going to have anxiety now? You haven’t even seen anxiety.”  more here

4 Comments on Domestic violence victim jailed for not testifying against attacker

  1. I don’t know about Florida law, but in NY, if it was a “So Ordered” subpoena, it is contempt of court not to show up.
    Little known fact: the word “subpoena” comes from two Latin words: “sub” meaning under and “poena”, meaning penis. Put the two together and it means they’ve got you by the balls.

  2. The judge was abusive.
    Meanwhile, another man gets away with beating a woman.
    And the focus is on the judge. O’Reilly and his foxnews sure have brainwashed the country into focusing on the wrong things.

  3. But you know what the CONSERVATIVE soLuton to this is? Getting the guy to not be abusive. Yes male to female abuse sucks, but it’s because they don’t know God.
    Add, their frail upbringing has many holes never addressed shows right up in their relations with women.
    And then the system. “It’s OK, we got this.” But, it does not need to be this way.

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