Dominican Republic Building Wall To Block Haitians Flooding Across Their Border – IOTW Report

Dominican Republic Building Wall To Block Haitians Flooding Across Their Border

Legal Insurrection

Those racist, white supremacist, xenophobic (Dominican) Republicans are at it again. Building a wall, when we all know walls don’t work, just to keep out their Haitian neighbors and fellow global citizens. The inhumanity! The horror!

No, I didn’t wake up lobotomized and therefore a leftie; it’s just fun to mock their ridiculousness every now and then.

Seriously, though, the Dominican Republic is indeed building a wall along its border with Haiti to try to control the stream of Haitians pouring into their country. more

10 Comments on Dominican Republic Building Wall To Block Haitians Flooding Across Their Border

  1. “…one of the hemisphere’s most intractable problems.”

    Send Clintons.

    ALL Clintons.

    Without guards.

    …I’m sure they can explain why they weren’t able to aid Haiti to glory the LAST time, what with the wedding and all…

  2. “…one of the hemisphere’s most intractable problems.”

    …in 1803, after exiling whatever White people they hadn’t previously killed, Jean-Jacques Dessalines symbolically ripped the White stripe from the French tricolori and had the red and blue sewn back together, starting a motif that is the basis of the Hatian flag today.

    With such an auspicious start, with White-hating symbolism flying over the whole nation, and all the Hated Honkies gone, you’d think the place would be Wakanda by now or at least filled with flying people building pyramids, go figure…

  3. Don’t misunderstand, what actual Hatians I have met are pretty good people, not lazy and conniving violent people like Somalis. My EHS guy is of Hatian extraction and I get along OK with him, we’ve even done CPR together twice now, he steps up and I appreciate that.

    I’ll take Hatians over Somalis any day of the week.

    Ilhan Omar included.

    But I can GUESS which group Pedo will be more likely to import, with them both in the news right now…

  4. Key West is rapidly becoming “Little Haiti Annex”….Their Population is


    The Children are unteachable and just clog up Classrooms (This from a Libtard


    Glad I moved to the Middle Keys.

  5. Damn Bobcat, I hate to hear that since I like visiting The Keys & Key West.
    Quirky little town.
    The gay population doesn’t bother me but a bunch of ignorant Haitians would.

    I hope Islamorada & Marathon aren’t doing stupid things…


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