Dominion Employee Worked for China Telecom – IOTW Report

Dominion Employee Worked for China Telecom


According to a report from political news outlet, The National Pulse, a key-person behind the Dominion Voting System has an unexpected former employer—a Chinese company that’s accused of endangering U.S. national security.

The report comes as Dominion remains at the center of election controversy. The company is facing allegations of rigging election results. In a Twitter post, President Donald Trump quoted a report claiming, “Dominion deleted 2.7 million Trump votes nationwide.”

The company denies these claims.

Dominion is one of the largest voting machine providers in the United States.

More than 30 states use its software, including those with razor-thin margins like Georgia and Arizona.

The employee in question is named Andy Huang. His LinkedIn profile shows he holds an important role: manager of IT core infrastructure. read more

12 Comments on Dominion Employee Worked for China Telecom

  1. Let’s see, the voting machines are made by a Canadian company who’s major stock holders are the Libtard Elite of America. These machines, that are not suppose to be online, but are, send the vote counts to Spain to be counted and then on to Germany to be stored on a server after they’ve been manipulated at the polling places to achieve the desired out come and monitored by the Chinese and even worse by the CIA.
    If President Trump does not call the Insurrection Act he is Derelict in his duty as President.

  2. “I imagine there’s way around that, but I’m not sure how.”

    The way I understand it:

    The Electoral College doesn’t vote and Congress appoints the President (House by simple majority of State representatives voting by State) and the vice President (Senate by simple majority of Senators without regard to State).

  3. Brad, yeah Dec 8 is the Safe Harbor date and the 14th is when the EC must elect the President. But there is a twitter thread floating around from someone who is supposed to be very reliable, in which he says 17 days before Trump is inaugurated the biggest head is going to roll. Now, what happens between 12/14 and 1/4? Who knows. A lot probably.

    This may be all fiction and fantasy, I don’t know, but it is an enjoyable read.

  4. a key-person behind the Dominion Voting System has an unexpected former employer—a Chinese company that’s accused of endangering U.S. national security.

    Whaddya mean ‘unexpected’?

  5. Trust me, They will find a link to all the globalist leaders of the world, including Turdeau’s Liberal Party of Canuckistan, Merkle, Macron, and others. Toronto is ruled by the Liberal party.

    The real question is, Will these links be MADE PUBLIC!

    This is not just the Demo’s & the Media. Foreign governments ARE involved!


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