Dominion Voting Systems files $1.3 billion suit against Sidney Powell – IOTW Report

Dominion Voting Systems files $1.3 billion suit against Sidney Powell

Just the News:

Dominion Voting Systems has filed a defamation lawsuit against attorney Sidney Powell, seeking more than $1.3 billion in damages for what it is calling the “wild” and “demonstrably false” allegations Powell has spread.

In the wake of the November presidential election, Powell has alleged that the Dominion machines played a significant part in allowing the election to be stolen from President Trump.

Powell, a former federal prosecutor, has argued the machines allowed vote manipulation to occur in significant figures. She also spoke, on several occasions, about the company’s alleged ties to communist money coming from Venezuela.

In December, Dominion sent Powell a cease and desist letter demanding that she retract her “knowingly baseless” claims.

The company’s suit argues “mountains of direct evidence” exists to disprove each of Powell’s election fraud claims pertaining to Dominion. more

26 Comments on Dominion Voting Systems files $1.3 billion suit against Sidney Powell

  1. Truth is an absolute defense, Sidney should welcome this since it finally provides her the opportunity to prove her claims about Dominion in court.

    If they’re true as she has made them. Dominion has to prove she did.

    A released Kraken sort of thing.

  2. The proof is overwhelming these machines can be manipulated with USB sticks and hackable from the internet. Maybe these things are being claimed by Dominion as uncontrollable as the environment the machines were placed and used isn’t entirely up to Dominion. That would put the burden back on the DNC, but a judge won’t even hear that case. At the very least Dominion is responsible for negligence by not disclosing the ease in which the machines are hacked.

    It’s akin to leaving your laptop on the train with sensitive information and blaming Dell for someone picking it up and retrieving information off it. If the train conductor was responsible for securing that laptop you don’t go blaming Dell, you blame the conductor. Dell could only be responsible if they didn’t disclose to the conductor that the laptop could be easily picked up and stolen.

    Maybe a bad comparison, I’d have to think thru a better example.

    All I’m saying is I’m not sure how sound the evidence is that Dominion themselves took first hand part in miscounting, swapping, or otherwise mishandling the vote count as it relates specifically to their voting machines. I think the treasure trove of misconduct Dominion is responsible for lies in the central database, outside of the voting machines themselves. Where the database was accepting inadequately verified data.

  3. Well now to go into the courtroom Powell can demand all ballots and voting systems be brought forth as evidence to show her proof. If the ballots don’t match the counts we have fraud. They will also have to open their software to inspection. You sure you want to do that cheaters?

  4. What Jerry Manderin said. They really believe they turned a corner on Wednesday. Maybe they did, but $1.3 billion is a little over-the-top and brazen, don’t you think? Almost as scenery-chewing as the hyperbole and rhetorical histrionics we’ve heard from the left and RINOs for 48 hours.

  5. “She will finally be able to present all of her proof and they can’t stop her or hide it.”

    Claudia, before discovery happens, they will quietly withdraw the suit on a Friday afternoon in February, with scant media attention. Just like they’ll do with all the other showsuits they filed against people who butt-hurt them in public.

  6. They are going to be sending a message by prosecuting, persecuting and tormenting Trump, Trump’s inner circle and supporters that you best not voice support or we will come after and destroy you. That is how tyrants that don’t have the consent of the people rule – by fear and ruthlessness. We are a huge nation, not some country of 10 million, they can only accomplish this if let them.

  7. This is going to a lawfare type scam like Michael Mann tried to pull on Mark Steyn.

    File suit in a friendly district or perhaps multiple districts. Then keep cranking out one frivolous motion after another in an attempt to bankrupt her. Meanwhile media plants stories about how this new “revelation” totally discredits this crazy woman.

    There really is no rule of law for us, which is something I’ve known for 35 years.

  8. The proceedings;

    Judge: “I call this Court to order in the matter of Dominion vs. Sidney Powell. I will now here opening arguments.”

    Lin Wood (takes breath)

    Judge: “I’ve heard enough. I find the defendant guilty and forbid any appeal”

    Lin Wood: “B…”


    …y’all don’t realize how much the world has changed this week.

    …but you will.

    …we ALL will…

  9. I welcome this. There’s all kinds of evidence of the Dominion Machines doing what Dominion says can’t be done. If they try to back out of the suit she can counter for the slander they are imposing on her by filing theirs. The courts will finally have to view and weigh the evidence. Can’t naysay until it happens.

  10. Sounds like a typical case of “Ask for the moon and the stars so they’ll settle for an arm and a leg.” Dominion’s lawyers are probably sitting by the phone waiting for Powell to call asking for a settlement.

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