Don jr grants first interview since trial – IOTW Report

Don jr grants first interview since trial

‘He will keep pushing the America First agenda, fighting for the American worker’

Pissed off and fired up.

9 Comments on Don jr grants first interview since trial

  1. “Hannity gets on my Goddamned nerves though”

    Really? Mr. expert marksman? Mr. MMA? Really? Me too. The guys an asshole.
    This interview points to where I think DJT is headed. King Maker. Shadow Gov. He watched the Obamanation. He’s 74. I can’t see him running for Pres at 78. However, maybe Don Jr. Wouldn’t that be cool.

  2. I can’t really put my finger on it…..well, yes I can…..but Hannity has always reminded me of the stuck up, smug, shitheads that I never liked in high school. And he still does.

  3. @Joe6pak – I listened some time ago on the radio but man it got old quickly…

    Then I saw him with Allan Colmes (RIP) on Fox.

    After that dissolved I basically stopped watching.

    How long ago was THAT? :>O

  4. as MJA has said a few times – Hannity repeats himself so often, she could do his show! Frankly, I’d rather hear MJA do it than Sean! (I sure hope Rush has a miraculous recovery!)

  5. I can’t watch Hannity because he plays that goddamn Maxine Waters tape EVERY FUCKING NIGHT!
    I get that you want to let people see what an unhinged ignorant EVIL CUNT she is but I just can’t see that again.
    He plays a lot of other democrat videos too.
    I can’t stand listening to those rat-bastard motherfuckers any more!


  6. @ Brad FEBRUARY 16, 2021 AT 10:03 PM

    I knew a couple guys who word on the street were real honest to goodness black belts. Neither of them ever spoke much about it.

    The guy that clued me told me they were “the shit.” He was into martial arts himself and rumor had it he was awful damn good too. He told me that the guys that are really good really don’t talk much about it. The ones always talking about how good they are….aren’t that good.


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