Don Lemon accuser drops assault case, claims he misremembered the incident – IOTW Report

Don Lemon accuser drops assault case, claims he misremembered the incident

The man who accused CNN anchor Don Lemon of assault dropped his case after he claimed to have misremembered the incident

The case’s dismissal comes weeks after a federal judge ordered Dustin Hice to pay Lemon $77,000 for not complying with the court’s rules.

The Eastern District of New York District Court dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice on Monday.

Hice filed the original lawsuit against Lemon in 2019, claiming the CNN personality assaulted him in a Hamptons bar the previous summer. more

13 Comments on Don Lemon accuser drops assault case, claims he misremembered the incident

  1. get a grip people … this was a ‘DRAFT’!!! … it could’ve been written before the case was even tried. take a breath, relax. we can only hope & pray that this will be the eventual outcome

    ffs, it’s a Politiho piece … probably meant to get their base all foaming at the mouth & protesting in front of the court tomorrow to try & sway the court

    not surprised Hannity fell for it

  2. One thing is for certain. This country better get its head on straight regarding the murder of children in the womb. And now the evil one wants us to be okay not only with that but also murdering born babies. Add those immense crimes against God and humanity with the evil minions’ proposal that children are fair game for their sexual crimes against them, and this country is no longer the fair-haired nation built on the very idea that our sovereign rights come from God himself. We’d have no claim to make and Christ will righteously and scornfully say to America, “Depart from me. I never knew you.”


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