Don Lemon Calls Out Katie Hobbs – IOTW Report

Don Lemon Calls Out Katie Hobbs

RedState: The Republican candidate for governor in Arizona Kari Lake has all kinds of talent when it comes to communicating with voters. It’s one of the reasons she’s so appealing as a candidate. She hasn’t even won yet and people are already talking about national office in the future because of that talent.

Her Democratic opponent Katie Hobbs is — unfortunately for the Democrats — the opposite case. She comes across as a bit of an immature 12-year-old girl. Her voice does her no favors. When she pressed with questions, her constant petulant attitude — how dare people ask me these questions — doesn’t help either. While Lake exudes confidence, every time Hobbs opens her mouth, she sounds like she’d rather be anyplace else but answering questions.

However, the thing that has been the big killer to Hobbs’ campaign has been her refusal to debate. Even John Fetterman took part in a debate, despite all of his issues (albeit delaying it as long as he could so he could get more early votes in before people saw all those issues). It was a horrible decision and likely will cost him the election. But Hobbs doesn’t have his issues, she just seems afraid — not a good look for someone who wants you to put your trust in them to run a state.

Even CNN’s Don Lemon and his morning show panel put Hobbs on the spot when they had her one and asked her why she wasn’t debating. She claimed she didn’t want to elevate Lake’s “election denialism.” Except that’s when CNN committed journalism and dropped the hammer on her, asking why she had avoided debating her Democratic primary opponent as well. more

9 Comments on Don Lemon Calls Out Katie Hobbs

  1. It’s embarrassing for the D’s to admit their candidates are duds. Katie Hobbs and Fetterman are terrible candidates — even if they weren’t progressive freaks. They’re both compulsive liars and wholly inadequate to take on the serious business of governing.


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