Don Lemon: CNN Does Not Hate Trump or Favor Democrats – IOTW Report

Don Lemon: CNN Does Not Hate Trump or Favor Democrats

WFB: CNN host Don Lemon on Tuesday attempted to bat down the notion that CNN has bias against President Donald Trump, adding they do not favor Democrats.

CNN’s White House correspondent Jim Acosta sat down with Lemon to discuss his new book, The Enemy of the People: A Dangerous Time to Tell the Truth in America, and the news network’s coverage of the Trump administration.

“For all those people who say, ‘Oh the press, CNN, hates Trump and CNN loves the Democrats,’ I watched Manu Raju with Nancy Pelosi, who clearly did not want to answer Manu’s questions today even in her body language and you know what? He persisted and he asked her the tough questions anyway,” Lemon said.

“So of anyone, a Democrat or a Republican regardless of who it is: If you hold a position of power, we the journalists at CNN are going to question you about it regardless whether you like it or not,” Lemon continued

Acosta agreed with Lemon’s comments and claimed that just because CNN is “pro-truth” doesn’t mean they are “anti-Trump.” He went on to talk about the theme of his book and how the media is “not the enemy of the people.”

“We are defenders of the people, and we want to defend the people because we are devoted to the people,” Acosta said. “We are not here to spin things or color things a certain way. We’re here to get the way people reliable, accurate information on a daily basis. That’s why we all come into work everyday. We get a high out of it, and I just want to make sure we keep this going as a country.”

Lemon’s claim about CNN’s bias echoes his previous comments last week at the Financial Times Future of News event in New York City when he said the network isn’t “liberal.”  more

15 Comments on Don Lemon: CNN Does Not Hate Trump or Favor Democrats

  1. Won’t matter either way. Trump has the win already.

    We know the democrats are pro-sodomite and pro-infanticide.

    Trump is pro-America and pro-American. He’s also anti-ILLEGAL ALIEN, and anti-ILLEGAL ALIEN VOTE.

    Maybe that’s why he claimed executive privilege on the census thingy. Basically he told Elijah Cummings to go fuck himself.

  2. Acosta: “We are not here to spin things or color things a certain way.”?? Darn it, I need a new keyboard. Stupid coffee.
    At first, I thought maybe Acosta and Lemon were aware that they were far left wing, now I am not so sure they actually realize it. Or maybe I am just as dumb as they have claimed anyone right of left (I used to say center, but times, they are a changing), is.

  3. As if anyone needed to have further proof of their “Patent Rights” to fake news…

    It is interesting (without ever watching them) to see clips and reporting on their reporting that shows them continuing to destroy any possible credibility. The fact that any “Publishing House” would print / pay for anything from Acosta is truly amazing to me.

    Let’s see, Levin’s book or Acosta’s… Hmmm, tough call…

  4. “For all those people who say, ‘Oh the press, CNN, hates Trump and CNN loves the Democrats,’ I watched Manu Raju with Nancy Pelosi, who clearly did not want to answer Manu’s questions today even in her body language and you know what? He persisted and he asked her the tough questions anyway,” Lemon said.

    Oh really? The one and only example of CNN “being tough on Democrats” just happened to occur on the very same day as this interview? What are the freaking odds!

  5. Manu Raju was tough on Pelosi because he was frustrated that she hasn’t moved forward in impeachment. In other words he was attacking her from a far left stance.

  6. We are not here to spin things or color things a certain way.

    “We agree that homosexuality is a profound mental disease. Whose sufferers need to be carefully monitored, in a controlled environment, to safeguard the public. Right Don?”

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