Don Lemon Cuts Off CNN Contributor After He Calls Out ‘Fake News’ – IOTW Report

Don Lemon Cuts Off CNN Contributor After He Calls Out ‘Fake News’


CNN anchor Don Lemon ended a discussion about the price of security for the first family after CNN political analyst Paris Dennard described the story as “fake news.”

The discussion centered around the cost of President Donald Trump’s trip to Florida, after a report from POLITICO suggested it could cost taxpayers over $3 million.

When asked for his opinion, Dennard, who is a regular contributor to CNN and former and served as an advisor to George. W. Bush, said that the “the president is not breaking any laws, and he’s not doing anything. It’s a fake news story.”

Visibly irritated, Lemon demanded that he “please stop it with that stupid talking point, that it is a fake news story.”

“If you don’t want to participate in the news stories on this network, then don’t come on and participate. But don’t call them fake because you don’t agree with them,” he continued.

However, Dennard refused to back down on the claim that it is a “fake news” story, at which point Lemon abruptly ended the segment.

22 Comments on Don Lemon Cuts Off CNN Contributor After He Calls Out ‘Fake News’

  1. Yeah, tough times for black, halfwit TV jockeys like Don Melon and Joy Ride. They have a big, padded EJECT button close at hand for when they go into the inevitable flat spin from which they have no hope of recovery.

  2. The same CNN who couldn’t seem to give a shit about Michelle Obama’s lavish trips? The separate vacations of Michelle to Aspen, Barry to golf in Cali? The multiple aircraft trips to Martha’s Vinyard and Hawaii? I’m supposed to believe CNN gives a shit about the $$ of Pres. Security now??

  3. The media is having fits that Trump is discrediting them and telling us how dangerous that is to freedom yet they have no problems censoring opinions and guests they don’t like. How many times did they just lose feeds during election season?!

  4. Ted Turner is a big lefty but I wonder how he feels about what his CNN has turned into. They used to be the source for news, weren’t particularly biased and were respected by the public. Now they’re becoming a joke (along with MSNBC) that the public is finally seeing as in the tank for the left and is giving up even being subtle about it although it seems to me Don Lemon probably can’t spell the work much less practice it. Perhaps Jeff Zucker needs to be dusting off is resume again because at some point the owners will decide that this vanity project has lost too much money.

  5. Once again a regressive plan to attack conservatives has boomeranged back to bite them in the ass. They started this whole “FAKE NEWS” talking point to discredit Breitbart, Fox News and every conservative blogger out there. Yet what happens? Now it’s been deflected back at them with 100X the force they thought it would deliver for their side.

    It’s pretty hilarious for Lemon to act like a little kid like that on the air and call himself a serious journalist. LOL

  6. They are concerned about how much money is spent to protect President Trump? REALLY?

    If the stupid tards weren’t all over social media THREATENING to assassinate him or egging on others to kill him, would they have to spend this much?


  7. Dawn Lemon getting all mad and huffy.

    what was their tag line? “CNN, the most trusted name in news”?

    This fake news began decades ago. I first spotted the insults to my belief system back in kronkites days and swore off broadcast news in 1985. The few times i would tune in, Rather would continue the insults. Subtle of course, but still there. Then came fox. I dont watch much of that either.

    We should be forever grateful that President Trump has exposed them for the 5th column they are. I thank him.

  8. @ThirdTwin Joy Ride, Sierra Hotel

    msNBC Andrea Mitchell is so breathless reporting
    on her Terminal Turmoil msNBC Joyride…
    She is Triple dosing her Symbicort
    Her wheezing adds a wonderful subliminal quality to her message

    Take a Peek at this Mikamouse
    Evelyn Farkas – nonresident junior feller
    Atlantic Council Future Europe Initiative
    Evelyn: Remember that Bark Bark Bark house? We do
    This is the type that got us to where we are today
    Now she bills msNBC for her per diem

  9. Don lemon has sucked too many strawberries in the field in Central Park. After midnight, drunk, without rubbers. Don is a reckless homo. Before long hes gonna start looking like that emaciated closet homo Chuck Todd. Hes part of the homomafia with Shlep Smith, George S the closet homo with a fake wife, Bill Kristol child pedo rapist etc…

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