Donald Trump Buys Fast Food Spread for Clemson Football Champions – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Buys Fast Food Spread for Clemson Football Champions

Breitbart; President Donald Trump welcomed the Clemson college football team to the White House on Monday, serving them a spread of fast food for the evening.

The president invited the players to the White House to celebrate their championship victory against the Alabama Crimson Tide.

Trump paid to have the event catered at the White House with some of America’s most recognizable fast food options. He pointed out that it was “great American food.”



Stacks of McDonald’s Big Macs, Quarter Pounders, and Filet O’ Fish sandwiches were spotted on the tables as well as salads and Wendy’s burgers and salads and Domino’s pizzas. The tables were lit with white candles in candelabras.

“I like it all. I like it all. It’s all good stuff, great American food. And it’s going to be very interesting to see at the end of this evening how many are left,” Trump said, noting that there were at least 300 burgers ordered for the occasion.

Some of the players whooped when the saw the spread in the White House dining room.

Other Clemson coaches and players shared images of the presidential fast food feast on social media.

The team made the trip despite a heavy snowstorm in Washington, DC, over the weekend.  more here


SNIP- Here’s more from Daily Caller:

Trump Gets Clemson Football Team Fast Food To Celebrate National Championship.


18 Comments on Donald Trump Buys Fast Food Spread for Clemson Football Champions

  1. I’m reminded of the dinners the Kenyans had for the ghetto crowd.
    Wang Chung beef and Larry the Liberal, whoops, that’s Lobster.
    Guess they were afraid a fight would break out if they served fast food.


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