Breitbart – President Donald Trump believes that Congress should release the names of every lawmaker who settled harassment cases quietly with taxpayer money.
“I do. I really do, I think they should,” Trump said when asked about his opinion on proposed transparency for the congressional Office of Compliance.
Trump also reacted to several reports of prominent men in media, entertainment, and politics accused of unwanted advances, harassment, sexual misconduct, and abuse toward women.
When asked by reporters to respond to the “pivotal moment in our nation’s history” for women, Trump appeared pleased that improper behavior was getting exposed.
If its taxpayer funded amnesty, phuck them!
No no, that shit needs to be demanded.
Based on what we’ve seen of late, it might be simpler if they released the names of those who haven’t settled harassment cases quietly with taxpayer money.
It would probably be a shorter list.
Let’s compare the list to:
1. Their past so-called “pro-women” stances.
2. What they may have chirped-up about during Donald Trump’s locker room tape.
This doesn’t hurt Trump, unless key members in Congress flip the Senate to the democrats.
Sons of bitches diddle the staff and I get to pay their hush money?
Not only do I want the names released, I want EVERY DIME repaid, and I want these perverts run out of town on a rail wearing tar suits with feather embellishments
I would demand a Mussolini ending for each, or an Arapaho two-fire send-off, but I will save those wishes for Santa
Executive order reversing the non-disclosure agreements. Hell, we paid for this, we should get to know what these pervs were doing.
knowing these deviants SET UP A SYSTEM so our hard earned tax dollars would be used to settle their sexual harassment charges is unethical & immoral
these political class perverts need to be perp walked to the nearest max prison pokey