Donald Trump Demands Apology After James Comey Admits He Was Wrong – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Demands Apology After James Comey Admits He Was Wrong

Breitbart: President Donald Trump again challenged James Comey on Sunday, demanding an apology from the former FBI Director after he admitted he “was wrong” to defend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant for the surveillance of former Trump foreign-policy adviser Carter Page.

“Sure, I’m responsible, that’s why I’m telling you, I was wrong,” Comey told Fox News host Chris Wallace in an interview. “I was overconfident as the director in our procedures. And it’s important that a leader be accountable and transparent.”

“So now Comey’s admitting he was wrong,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Wow, but he’s only doing so because he got caught red-handed. He was actually caught a long time ago.”

Trump hinted that Comey should end up in jail for the deeply flawed investigation into his campaign. read more

22 Comments on Donald Trump Demands Apology After James Comey Admits He Was Wrong

  1. Another non-apology apology:
    He shouldn’t have been hoodwinked by slimy subordinates.
    He trusted to much.
    His people were professionals and he expected professional behavior.
    His treasonous conspiracy with the upper echelons of the FBI, House, Clapper, and Brennan (for HRC’s benefit and financed by Soros) is just a mirage – a strange coalescence of unconnected events.
    The fact that the FISA “judge” hasn’t issued any contempt citations is proof that there was no illicit “intent” – like HRC’s destruction of evidence in which she sold Classified, Secret, and Top Secret files to foreign actors by donations to her “foundation” wasn’t “intended.”

    I hope President Trump isn’t holding his breath.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Check mate. Well played, Mr. President. Well played. Heh heh.

    It’ll all come out soon enough.

    “The Hidden Hand”

    “The essence of a coup, which some might refer to as covert action, is the hidden hand. One does not announce that a foreign power is overthrowing the government and installing a new government. One pulls strings as if from behind a curtain, making events that are all part of a carefully orchestrated plan appear disconnected, spontaneous and serendipitous.”

  3. I believe he is still hiding a lot. Why is it that if you download a pdf of the IG report and search “Comey” nothing comes up. But if you search “Corney” low and behold you get hundreds of results? Maybe Judicial Watch should file a FOI request for any FBI files containing the name “Corney”.


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