Donald Trump Dismisses Globalist Liz Cheney Request to Accept ‘Election Results’ – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Dismisses Globalist Liz Cheney Request to Accept ‘Election Results’

Breitbart: President Donald Trump on Saturday dismissed House Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney after she asked him to accept the results of the election.

“Sorry Liz, can’t accept the results of an election with hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast, enough to easily flip the Election,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

In a statement Saturday, Cheney asked Trump to have his lawyers submit evidence of his claims of widespread criminality and voter fraud to the American people. more

22 Comments on Donald Trump Dismisses Globalist Liz Cheney Request to Accept ‘Election Results’

  1. I honestly don’t understand the mind of a Never Trumper. They have to be the most insignificant political group with even less status than a Bernie supporter.

  2. Liz, Why don’t you and your father go hunt pheasants by yourselves? Or take a McCain with you if you have room in the truck?

  3. Another Swamp Bitch fully exposed.

    Now Chris Krispy Creme has come out and demanded the same thing.

    Do you notice they ALL want PRESIDENT Trump’s legal team to go on TV and present their evidence? NERVOUS?!?!

  4. Maybe it is time to form a Conservative Party. Let the RINOS go and they will join the democrat party on the basis of a shared vision of Globalism which they see as the only alternative to world peace and increased trade an… have us all recognize the brotherhood of man an…turn those swords to plowshares an…all live in one a one world community of peace and love…an…we must have a one world government to stave off attack from extraterrestrial aliens that we saw so accurately portrayed in the movie “Mars Attacks”.

    Well, they can all FUCK OFF and join the dumpocrap party.

  5. IMO, just another one who has used these machines to get into office and stay there.
    Any politico who tries to convince me we have free and fair elections anywhere in this country, I automatically know they know the truth and have benefited from this system.

  6. if a new party were formed it would have to have applicants with a reviewable track record to prove they dont have rino tendencies. Need a good vetting system

  7. What? So we can vote on it? I like the odds for President Trump. But no mail-ins, no computer votes, no early voting, and all votes on one day. Wanna give that a shot, Liz?

  8. Astounding.
    Cheney is the lone Congressman for WY.
    WY voters chose President Trump by the highest margin of ALL states (74%).

    She should state clearly just whom she “represents”?!

    Screw pheasant hunting. Open season on traitors would be better.

  9. She’s either dumb as a box of rocks or lying? I don’t care which.
    I imagine when the truth comes out, all these rhinos and maybe a lot of media will be shocked, shocked I tell you. We had no idea, yep shocked. We need to make another law so this can’t happen again. Let’s form another committee. That will fix it.

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