Donald Trump Doesn’t Bow to Japanese Emperor In Contrast with Barack Obama – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Doesn’t Bow to Japanese Emperor In Contrast with Barack Obama

President Donald Trump visited Japanese Emperor Akihito, but did not bow after greeting him at his palace.

That was a contrast to former President Barack Obama’s visit, when he drew criticism for a “deep bow” to the foreign dignitary.

Trump shook the hand of the Emperor and nodded his head slightly to signal respect. –Breitbart

13 Comments on Donald Trump Doesn’t Bow to Japanese Emperor In Contrast with Barack Obama

  1. Obama was such a shameless suck-up. He was so desperate to convince the world that America does not stand apart that he humiliated himself — and in turn humiliated us.

    I can’t tell you how good it is to see a President who is not afraid to exude confidence and pride in this country.

  2. ASIAN CULTURES It’s hierarchical. Your status depends on a few things:

    a) Gender (male is highest)
    b) Age (older = higher)
    c) Status (Ambassador, CEO, President, etc is ascending)
    d) MONEY (more money = more respect
    e) Skin color (like it or not, lighter skin = more respect)
    f) Height (taller = better, but not awkward crazy-tall, like 7′, because that is considered clownish)


    On the Asian scale, an older wealthy, successful, 6’2″, billionaire CEO, white male CRUSHES IT.

    Trump bows to no one. Head nod or a SLIGHT shoulder bow would be the most he would need to give, or none at all.

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