Donald Trump Endorses Lisa Murkowski Primary Challenger Kelly Tshibaka – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Endorses Lisa Murkowski Primary Challenger Kelly Tshibaka

Former President Donald Trump on Friday formally endorsed Kelly Tshibaka, the Republican primary challenger to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) for the midterm election, saying, “Murkowski is bad for Alaska.”

Trump, keeping his promise to campaign against Murkowski, is endorsing her top primary challenger with a statement from his leadership PAC, Save America.

He bluntly wrote, “Murkowski has got to go!”

Trump added, “Her vote to confirm Biden’s Interior Secretary was a vote to kill long sought for, and approved, [Arctic National Wildlife Refuge], and Alaska jobs.”

“Kelly Tshibaka is the candidate who can beat Murkowski — and she will,” Trump continued. “Kelly is a fighter who stands for Alaska values and America First.” more here


8 Comments on Donald Trump Endorses Lisa Murkowski Primary Challenger Kelly Tshibaka

  1. Step 1: Trump rally the troops, endorse/push strong candidates.

    Step 2: Win back the Congress 2022.

    Step 3: Impeach 46.

    Step 4: Elect Trump 2024.

    Step 5; Undo the Biden/Harris clusterfuck.

  2. Wouldn’t impeachment be fun? Even if it wasn’t successful, the spectacle in comparison to Trump’s shampeachments would be interesting.
    Imagine, rather than ‘We are looking for something to impeach Trump on. Oh look, one person’s take on a seemingly innocuous comment is that it is bad. Impeach!’, we would have ‘Here is a detailed list of reasons for impeachment, backed up by articles and data proving that Biden did these things and with intent going against the Constitution.’

    And the media would have to cover it.

  3. Alaska approved ranked choice voting in 2020, which IMO is a ploy by the communists to win Alaska by changing the playing field. Now if Alaska does an audit of the 2020 election maybe they’ll find fraud in the approval of ranked choice voting. Murkowski is what is wrong with the old GOP and needs to be sent packing.


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