Donald Trump eviscerated the Screen Actors Guild after they threatened to revoke his membership – IOTW Report

Donald Trump eviscerated the Screen Actors Guild after they threatened to revoke his membership

Our Hollywood betters miss Donald Trump.

Not The Bee:

At least, that’s the only conclusion I can draw for why the woke ruing class of our nation would put together an effort to revoke Trump’s membership to the Screen Actors Guild.

The union voted “overwhelmingly” to remove Trump as a member over the Capitol riot, referring to the usual leftist smorgasbord of phrases used to clobber political enemies over the head:

“Donald Trump attacked the values that this union holds most sacred–” they said, not knowing how easily half the country applauds that statement, “Democracy, truth, respect for our fellow Americans of all races and faiths, and the sanctity of the free press.”

Annoyed by the sanctimonious politically-correct drivel, Trump fired off a letter from his Mar-a-Lago home resigning his position with the union.

Here was the entire letter to SAG president Gabrielle Carteris:

19 Comments on Donald Trump eviscerated the Screen Actors Guild after they threatened to revoke his membership

  1. The only thing that would have made it better would have been: From The Office of the Legitimately Elected President of the United States of America and slayer of the China Virus

  2. “…the values that this union holds most sacred…”

    …as long as they’re throwing out words they doesn’t understand like “values” and “sacred”, why not put in “truth”, “honor”, “dignity”, and “decency”, since these are ALSO things they wouldn’t recognize if they bit them…

  3. …I’ve never been in a union, but I’ve worked with a lot of guys who were in my non-union shop.

    …the reason they were there and not at their union jobs is because all their unions ever did for them was put them out of work…

    (Full disclosure; I WAS briefly IAFF because the City had some weird ideas about unions about the same time that I would jump on ANYTHING with a Maltese Cross on it because it was so cool, but even THEN it was pretty obvious that the Union leadership didn’t GAS about the rank and file other than a source of money and votes for Democrats, and since it wasn’t a closed shop I didn’t hang out long enough to find out if they sucked or not personally…

  4. “Anonymous FEBRUARY 5, 2021 AT 12:13 PM
    Why was he a member of the Screen Actors Guild?”

    He was in movies and TV shows. It’s part of the game. Don’t read too much into it. I doubt he had to be butt f…ed by producers like Ben Affleck and many others were to get the work.

  5. The d-bag that runs the union said:

    “…Donald Trump resigned from Actors Guild to avoid punishment… and reveals he still could be expelled over Capitol riot”.

    Yeah, being kicked out of a dumb union is punishment. Why would a billionaire have any need to belong to a union anyway?

    What is she planning???…hitting him with a wet noodle…throwing her purse at him…leave him a nasty VM…???


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