Donald Trump has Mexico over a barrel – IOTW Report

Donald Trump has Mexico over a barrel


Mexico is going to cave, and it’s not just the tariffs.  We’ve got the Mexicans over a barrel on energy, and if we want, we can wipe their economy out.  Without American energy imports, the Mexican economy collapses.

This actually doesn’t make any sense.  Mexico is awash in petroleum and natural gas.  But the Mexicans just can’t get it out of the ground.  American petroleum engineers were critical to the early success of the Mexican oil industry.  From 1918 to the late ’20s, Mexico was second only to the United States in oil production, and it was number one in petroleum exports.  But the bounty was not fairly shared, and an inflamed Mexican nationalism booted the American oil industry out of the country.  The Mexican oil industry never recovered.

Take a look at a map of the Permian basin, the source of millions upon millions barrels of daily oil production.  You’ll notice that the geological formation containing this plentitude of hydrocarbons extends well into Mexico.  But there is no oil development on the Mexican side of the border.  They can’t get to the oil without our help. MORE

18 Comments on Donald Trump has Mexico over a barrel

  1. From a Mexican Senator:

    “Trump pelos de elote, ni creas que te tenemos miedo. Los Mexicanos estamos en nuestro territorio ( California, Nevada,Texas, Utah,Nuevo México, Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado y Wyoming) Vamos a recuperar nuestro territorio que nos robaron. ¡Viva AMLO cabrones !”


    “Trump corn husks, do not think we’re afraid of you. Mexicans are in our territory (California, Nevada, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Wyoming) We are going to recover our territory that was stolen. Viva AMLO bastards!”

    Judge whether or not it’s relevant to our relations to Mexico for yourself.

  2. Those crooked pricks need a long overdue bloody nose. Their snotty and resentful approach to us has always bothered me. Ally and friend my ass, We share a border and they’re just a country we trade with. About time we made that clear to them.

  3. Funny how every position taken by the RINO’s coincides exactly with the position of the Chamber of Commerce.
    And they pretend to be acting in our interests!
    I’ve been making calls and letting them know they can knock off the phony preening.

  4. Gee, another rosy prediction,”Mexico is going to cave”, i’ll believe it when I see it.

    This is from the same folks that said Trump would sign no spending bill without sufficient money for the wall, that Trump could convince Kim to give up his nukes, that we had the leverage on a favorable China trade deal, that Trump will bring our kids home from the M.E., that we would hold the House in 2016, that Trump would declassify all Hillary server/Russian collusion investigation documents, and that after the Mueller report finally came out that would be the end of it.

    Energy dependence sucks but there are Chinese, Russian and Iranian companies that would just love to sell Mexico equipment and expertise so that they will never need another American barrel of oil again.

  5. I hope I am not mistaken, but I know Mexico has oil, but no refineries. Shut off the incoming crude oil pipe lines or just keep the refined Mexican crude for ourselves.

  6. “Mexico is awash in petroleum and natural gas. But the Mexicans just can’t get it out of the ground.”

    Not surprising in a country where you still can’t drink the water without getting the screaming yellow shit-storms!

  7. Wow! The writer of this article knocked this out between classes at his Jr. High .

    Fuckin’ brown shirt knucklehead.

    Learn how the industry works before spouting off about it, idiot.


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