Donald Trump Hires Kellyanne Conway as Counselor to the President – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Hires Kellyanne Conway as Counselor to the President

Breitbart: President-elect Donald Trump wants his campaign manager Kellyanne Conway to be the Counselor to the President in his administration.


According to the campaign, Conway will continue serving Trump as a close adviser working with senior leadership to effectively message and execute the administration’s legislative priorities and actions.

“Kellyanne Conway has been a trusted advisor and strategist who played a crucial role in my victory,” Trump said in a statement. “She is a tireless and tenacious advocate of my agenda and has amazing insights on how to effectively communicate our message. I am pleased that she will be part of my senior team in the West Wing.”  read more

12 Comments on Donald Trump Hires Kellyanne Conway as Counselor to the President

  1. I really like that Conway doesn’t “spin”. I’ve watched enough interviews of her to appreciate her maturity in responding to false info and lying. She’s gracious but firm and doesn’t stoop to talking over or blatant reguritation of talking points.

    (I still hope that Laura Ingram is a candidate for press secretary.)

  2. Whoever Trump hires for whatever position he needs to make sure that he has a fire team ready to immediately respond and to attack those on the left, the Democrats, the Soros’s, the Obama’s, the Clinton’s, the NAACP, the ACLU, the MSM etc etc that will try from day 1 to clog up his legislation, dirty his and his team’s reputation, to spread lies in the net, to do anything and everything short of murder to destroy what he has, and will, accomplish. Remember what happened to George Bush. He decided the President should be above all this partisan politics and never answered the lies and innuendo and even stopped others from answering and over time those lies turned to truth in the minds of the people and he was finished. Trump needs to run his Presidency like he ran his campaign, without fear and without remorse because he can be damned sure the other side won’t show any.

  3. She gave a great interview this morning. Someone asked her how she was going to manage Kids and a position like this (I’m thinking, have you seen what she just went thru you moron). Her answer “Well, I don’t play golf and I don’t have a mistress so I think I’ll be fine.”

  4. I sure had my doubts when Trump fired Manafort and hired her especially as she was a Cruz backer. Man was I ever wrong. She’s tough as nails and as noted above, doesn’t stoop to innuendo. You have to admit, Trump sure can pick them.

    I heard her say recently she wasn’t a sore winner, she was a winner-Bravo dear.

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