Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle to exit NYC, join family in Florida – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle to exit NYC, join family in Florida


Donald Trump’s children are exiting New York just as the city and other businesses cancel contracts with the Trump Organization following the riot at the Capitol.

The latest to leave the city is Donald Trump Jr., The Post can report exclusively.

Trump Jr., 43, will be moving to Florida — following in the footsteps of his little sister — with gal pal Kimberly Guilfoyle, 51, in tow.

“There is no way they can stay in New York. They’d be tortured in the streets,” said a source close to the family.

For now, Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle are looking at homes in Jupiter, sources told Gimme exclusively, about an hour and a half away from Indian Creek Island, where Jared Kushner, 40, and Ivanka Trump, 39, just bought a $30 million lot.


16 Comments on Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle to exit NYC, join family in Florida

  1. New York is dead. Because it’s inhabited by people like blm who fight for some supposed right for blacks to be able to resist arrest.

    We fight for the right to have clean elections.

    See the difference?

  2. All things Trump in NYC should declare bankruptcy and leave.

    Give the banks and DeBlabbio what they want. Empty bldgs, no tax revenue, giant burning hole in their asset sheets.

    This reminds me of candidate Linsy Graham destroying his own cellphone with a Samurai sword. Brilliant!

  3. Cuomo already told them Conservatives are not welcome in New York.
    – It sure took Trump Jr quite a while to figure out he was serious
    – What Cuomo stupidly didn’t consider is that Conservatives will gladly leave, AND TAKE THEIR MONEY WITH THEM.

  4. It’s illegal to declare certain companies are not allowed to bid on govt work.
    Although liberals live by a different set of rules.
    If Pres. Trump sells Trump Tower and his other properties it will be DeBlasio’s fault all those people lose jobs.

  5. NY is playing the game, hoping Fraud Biden will funnel taxpayer dollars from the rest of the nation into NY to float it. No one in Washington care as long are they get their cut too. Just when you thought you could run and hide, the long arm of federal taxes will find you.

  6. Many are fleeing States and cities that they perceive as being bad. Some are fleeing due to taxes. However, with the influx of new people entering into rural areas of the US, the state/city will need new roads, highways, water/sewer infrastructure, schools, bigger government – the very thing they are fleeing. Well, someone has to pay for that and it will be everyone collectively. I’d be pissed off if my taxes were raised to pay for others coming in. Where ever you go there you are.

  7. Be prepared to live out the “obsolete” theme for awhile. The demons will attempt to purge both the Trump legacy and our support of him out of the history books as an attempted coup on progressive friendly Amerika. He stole the election of 2016 don’t you know, turn about is fair play.

    Welcome to Chinabidastan where the Biden Crime Family always takes a cut.

  8. What is scary to me is that this may be part of the plan – bankrupt the cities so the CCP can buy up all the real estate at rock-bottom prices with the money we have been sending over there for the past 15 years buying all their crap.

  9. Dem politicians couldn’t care less if they destroy businesses and the tax base because the federal govt and federal reserve will give them all the money they have promised to their public union workers. The newly created money will debase the money in your pocket.


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