Donald Trump Jr. Calls for Romney to be Expelled from GOP – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Jr. Calls for Romney to be Expelled from GOP

Gee- I hope there will be a trial.

Dan Donald Trump Jr. has called for failed presidential candidate, Sen. Mitt Romney to be expelled from the Republican party after he announced he’d vote to convict President Trump in the sham impeachment trial.

Mitt Romney is forever bitter that he will never be POTUS. He was too weak to beat the Democrats then so he’s joining them now. He’s now officially a member of the resistance & should be expelled from the @GOP,” Trump Jr. wrote on Twitter. more

32 Comments on Donald Trump Jr. Calls for Romney to be Expelled from GOP


    Immigration laws? Don’t apply to democrats.

    Marijuana laws? Don’t apply, over ride federal law

    2nd Amendment? Doesn’t apply, states over ride constitutional rights.

    Convict someone without being charged with a crime? Yes, law doesn’t apply to them.

    Investigate a democrat? You will be investigated for whatever they are guilty of.

    All secedeable offenses. We HATE each other, can’t live side-by-side with people who want to destroy you.

  2. local (salt lake city) radio wasn’t kind to brother mitt this afternoon. i think he is going to find his senate career difficult going forward. there was a pro-romney rally downtown this evening. it drew 10 people……..

    I don’t understand that conscience of his…..didn’t seem to bother him the first half of his political career when he was pro-choice…………

  3. Throw him out,sure, but not because he didn’t vote party line. Throw him out because he didn’t uphold his SWORN duty to protect and defend the Constitution. How any congressman or senator could vote to convict is utterly insane if they sat through the Constitution 101 lectures of the past week and half! Seriously, I do not understand why the Senate impeachment “trial” required the Chief Justice in residence. This wasn’t a trial at all — just another kangaroo court and another opportunity for our gov’t to show complete and utter contempt for The People. One of the Republican senators said it best, that first off the case brought before the Senate by the illegal House Impeachment Managers (not empowered by the full House of Reps), was based on Schiff’s falsified “evidence” (his theatrical interpretation of the call transcript), frightfully skewed witness testimony, the deliberate omission of any evidence that corrected that testimony, and the absence of any crimes — impeachable or otherwise. This was another purely political stunt perpetrated by the Democrats at our literal expense. Then McConnell has the gall to solemnize the whole shit show by bestowing the Golden Gavel award to Roberts!!??? For what???!!! Oy vey! What a load of crap the whole thing was! I still can’t believe we’ve been expected to take any of this seriously.

    (Did you see that special,velvet-lined box with the golden gavel? Nice box, specially made, with the pretty, embossed silver seal on top? Jesus!! Everyone gets an award!)

  4. Rant (cont’d):

    There’s McConnell, wringing his hands and telling us all how truly awful it is that the Democrats are destroying our confidence in our institutions and yet he’s the one (among many) who legitimized the whole shebang by even allowing that baboon processional from the illegal House Impeachment Committee to march their ridiculous asses onto the Senate floor (paid for by us, btw), and deliver their illegal Articles of Impeachment!

    The refrain from Lou Reed’s “Take a Walk on the Wild Side” kept going through my head:

    “Doo do doo do doo do do doo
    Doo do doo do doo do do doo
    Doo do doo do doo do do doo
    Doo do doo do doo do do doo”

    Sometimes it’s a real pain in the ass being obedient to God!

  5. Time to politically


    by whatever legal means necessary.

    I am to this day astonished that few if any
    pro pols understand that his 2012 campaign
    was a sham and bolster for Obama’s re-election.

    He at no time campaigned against Obama when
    he was vulnerable and instead boasted of his
    own Romneycare thereby legitimizing the fraud
    of Obamacare.

    Romney NEVER was a republican

    Quarantine him !

  6. Mitt was so eager to take the shiv he has been sharpening for five yearsand stick Trump he couldn’t even put on a good let alone convincing facade that his vote was anything more than Nancy’s speech rip up tantrum. The man is so despicable he sat in front of Trump for the SOTU and saw first hand the disgusting behavior the dems all displayed for 90 minutes not just at Trump but at every American and he couldn’t wait to join them less than 24 hours later. What a creep.

  7. @Mithrandir February 6, 2020 at 2:28 am

    > All secedeable offenses. We HATE each other, can’t live side-by-side with people who want to destroy you.

    Umm… there’s this shiny, new, cutting edge technology. It’s called a “map”.

  8. Not a good idea to send the enforcers after Mittens.
    Those guys with swords at the rear of the mosque who ensure that the “faithful” keep their heads on the floor during “prayers” are emblematic of hypocrisy.
    Republicans don’t need to adopt such measures.
    Mittens has been an opportunistic scum-sucking piece of shit since his inception and it’s difficult to (convincingly) pretend to be surprised now.
    Still better than Obola, but that’s like saying painful bleeding piles is better than constipation. I don’t think he could have done the damage that Obola did (wouldn’t have had the support of the media, FBI, CIA, NSA, &c.) – and I’m sure he wouldn’t have had a second term.

    We need to take a deep breath and thank God for His many gifts.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. @Crackerbaby February 6, 2020 at 8:22 am

    > Make sure he is on your “list” when the SHTF…….

    SSA keeps The List. Backup, if you want. But don’t waste limited resources reinventing the wheel.

  10. Utah may be about to recall Shitt Romney, so no need to make him a martyr. But I would hope,At the very least,! Mitch McConnell would isolate Romney, put him in a corner, and give him no committee assignments. Nothing to do. Eliminate his ability to do further damage until the people of Utah come to their senses and get rid of him.

  11. Why won’t he switch parties? Who is he afraid of?

    The only way he’s leaving is if they find he did something criminal or tried to play slap and tickle with an unwilling member or staff. (‘member’. ‘staff’. heh)
    At the most, they can censure him for not understanding how impeachment works, etc. and embarrass him.
    But I get the feeling he doesn’t get embarrassed much. I mean, look at him.

    The only way to get rid of him is to make him uncomfy so that he switches parties. I mean, officially. We know he’s not an R or a C. (OK I know cunt starts with C also. lol)

  12. Playin’ the devil’s advocate here.
    Here’s another scenario of how this could play out and Romney is welcomed back into the fold by cuckservatives and the UniParty. Someone close to Romney dies, Romney mourns the loss saying that the person was a great friend and mentor. Romney has a staged outburst in support of the President or one of his policies. Every treacherous act is miraculously wiped clean and the chanting of “Mitt has found his voice” is echoed nationwide. They can even bestow the “2.0” nickname upon him as a bonus. Sound familiar?

    I’m so tired of this UniParty crap and the games they play.

  13. Romney showed his true colors way back with the second debate with 0’Bama. In the first debate, Mitt had Barry on the ropes, and we all (Joe Don, Stilton, etc.) thought he’d go in for the kill on the second debate. Instead, Mitt became the nice guy, and nice guys finish last. And, sure enough, Mitt finished last.

    No More RINOs!

  14. Mitt the shitt. Yeah, I voted for him in 2012. But I was disgusted that he didn’t ream out O’Bumble for the Benghazi thing. During his last debate with O’Bumble, I kept saying to myself: C’mon mister, bring out your verbal dagger and stab him in the guts for the Benghazi murders. I was begging him to bring it up. Of course, he never did. He knocked himself out of the WH.

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