Donald Trump Jr. Trolls Adam Schiff After Congressman’s Trump Tower Theory Debunked – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Jr. Trolls Adam Schiff After Congressman’s Trump Tower Theory Debunked

Dan Bongino: The mainstream media gleefully reported last May that Donald Trump Jr. called a blocked number before and after his now-infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in 2016.

Of course, this led many to speculate whether or not Trump Jr. called his father, then-presidential candidate, Donald Trump to discuss the details of the meeting.

House Intelligence Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) told CNN in November, “We wanted to get the phone records to determine, was Donald Trump talking to his son about this meeting. It’s an obvious investigative step, but one the Republicans were unwilling to take because they were afraid of where the evidence might lead.”

Now, new evidence completely debunks the story which liberals hoped would help “build an obstruction of justice case” against President Trump.

The Daily Caller reports:

The Senate Intelligence Committee obtained phone records showing Donald Trump Jr. did not speak with his father from a blocked telephone number in the days before the infamous Trump Tower meeting in June 2016.

The finding, first reported by CNN, undercuts Democrats’ theory Trump Jr. might have told his father in those phone calls about the Trump Tower meeting, which was held June 9, 2016, with a group of Russians who had offered dirt on Hillary Clinton….

Phone records provided to the Senate Intelligence panel shows the calls were between Trump Jr. and two business associates, according to CNN.

The calls were made in the days before the Trump Tower meeting. Another call occurred several hours after the meeting. The identity of the business associates is not clear.

Responding to an ABC News report on Twitter, Trump Jr. wrote, “Has anyone heard from Adam Schiff? I imagine he’s busy leaking other confidential info from the House Intelligence Committee to change the subject?!? #FullOfSchiff”

13 Comments on Donald Trump Jr. Trolls Adam Schiff After Congressman’s Trump Tower Theory Debunked

  1. Evil little America hating SHIT !
    When is Eric Holder going to be arrested ???
    Does the rest of America understand what we
    understand? That the demo-ratz are enemies of
    America,evil and trying to destroy the constitution
    and usher in communism ?????????????????

  2. Back in the late 1990’s or early 2000’s, not sure when, I worked on a floor in The Trump Tower on 5th Avenue, NYC. I installed a ceiling on one of the lower floors, not sure which one. But it had an escalator and I once got a glimpse of Mr. Trump riding up the escalator. He had his arm around a man’s shoulder and it looked to me that he was either hugging him tightly or trying to throw him down the escalator and kill him. As I say, I just got a glimpse, but nobody ever contacted me about the incident. Nobody. Not Schiff, not CNN, Not MSNBC, not even Brian Williams or Don Lemon, or Chris Cuomo. Not a one. Pissed me to f**k off. I coulda been on TV. I coulda been famous. I was a witness to what coulda been a murder. And nobody ever contacted me. I give up. Nobody has any interest in what a working man has to say. Phuckit!


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