Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham Say ‘Good Chance’ of Declaring National Emergency on the Border – IOTW Report

Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham Say ‘Good Chance’ of Declaring National Emergency on the Border

Breitbart: President Donald Trump said Friday there was a “good chance” of declaring a State of Emergency on the Southern border, shortly after announcing his short-term surrender to Democrats on the partial government shutdown fight.

“I think we have a good chance,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “We’ll work with the Democrats and negotiate and if we can’t do that, then obviously we’ll do the emergency because that’s what it is. It’s a national emergency.”

Declaring a national emergency would allow the president to shift funding to secure the border without Congress, although it would likely be challenged in court.

The president made his remarks during a White House event with Hispanic pastors on Friday to discuss the importance of security on the Southern border.

Earlier Friday, Trump specified that he would reopen the government for three weeks to give negotiators more time to work out a border security compromise. A bipartisan committee will work together with the Department of Homeland Security to come up with a border security package for the president to sign.

The president was still adamant about funding more physical barriers on the border.

“If we don’t have that wall and we don’t have a very powerful barrier, it’s all just a waste of time,” he wrote. “It can’t work. Can’t work. So we’ll get it.” watch


See Also:

Graham: If Democrats Won’t Work With Us, Trump ‘Will Secure Our Border Through Executive Action’.

Breitbart: On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Daily Briefing,” Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) stated that if Democrats won’t make a deal on immigration, DACA and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients will lose “Because this president will secure our border through executive action.”

Graham said, “This is the first time in 12 years I’ve seen a deal where you secure your border and give a better life to the DACA/TPS population. If the Democrats do not work with us, the biggest losers, in my view, are going to be the TPS/DACA recipients. Because this president will secure our border through executive action.”

Graham added that if Democrats aren’t willing to make a deal, “I hope he will go the emergency route.”  watch

12 Comments on Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham Say ‘Good Chance’ of Declaring National Emergency on the Border

  1. Yes. He can declare an emergency.
    No, the Supremes won’t likely get involved. It’s not their business.

    ” Procedure for new emergencies and rescinding emergency declarations

    The Act authorized the President to activate emergency provisions of law via an emergency declaration on the conditions that the President specifies the provisions so activated and notifies Congress.

    An activation would expire if the President expressly terminated the emergency, or did not renew the emergency annually, or if each house of Congress passed a resolution terminating the emergency. After presidents objected to this “Congressional termination” provision on separation of powers grounds, it was replaced in 1985 with termination by an enacted joint resolution. This means that for Congress to rescind a declared emergency, not only must they pass the joint resolution, but the President must sign the legislation.

    The Act also requires the President and executive agencies to maintain records of all orders and regulations that proceed from use of emergency authority, and to regularly report the cost incurred to Congress. “

  2. For eight years of barky’s abuse of power (that was never legitimately his to begin with), Congress laid there like stanky roadkill—-no budgets passed; Executive Orders vs Laws from Congress were probably 30:1.

    They think they will pin a Wall done via National Emergency on Trump the Meanie. He should follow up by documenting and declaring Congress as totally useless and do all else that’s needed as if we are at war. Because we are, the enemy are Domestic Traitors.

  3. I read that air traffic controllers jeopardizing air traffic was one of the reasons trump agreed to 3 wks of govt being reopened.

    figured if nothing comes of 3 wk re-opening and govt is shutdown again why won’t atc just re-jeopardize air traffic. finally realized if SofE is declared then trump can have atc guys in the air force fill in.

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