Donald Trump More Popular Since January 6th – IOTW Report

Donald Trump More Popular Since January 6th

So says CNN. Salty Cracker with the details .

8 Comments on Donald Trump More Popular Since January 6th

  1. “Donald Trump More Popular Since January 6th”

    But I’M still the boss of YOU.

    AND him.

    Suck it peasants! Bring on the pudding bearing nine year old girls!

  2. @Brad: I’m with you there, he didn’t sway my mind. I dunno if Trump is more popular today, people are afraid to reveal their true thoughts on the guy. In my realm of contacts, fewer and fewer are trusting Trump. He’s not a hero, Trump was blindsided by the left, they rolled him out and made biscuits out of him, and they’re still doing it. MAGA, tell me how. I won’t flinch on my views of the jab, that’s where Trump and I differ.

    February: ‘Everybody, go get your shot”

    Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Trump said, “We took care of a lot of people — including, I guess, on December 21st, we took care of Joe Biden, because he got his shot, he got his vaccine. … It shows you how unpainful that vaccine shot is.”

    Until Trump rebukes the jab, I’ll rebuke him.

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