Donald Trump On Gay Marriage: ‘We’ll See What Happens’ – IOTW Report

Donald Trump On Gay Marriage: ‘We’ll See What Happens’


COTR: Donald Trump appeared on “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos and was asked to explain his stance on gay marriage. (And I’m just wondering why we’re still talking about this.)

In the past, Trump said he’d appoint judges who would work to overturn last year’s landmark decision. (Even though the Supreme Court doesn’t work that way.Unless you’re Bernie Sanders, of course.)

But Trump also has conflicting soundbites, like this: 

15 Comments on Donald Trump On Gay Marriage: ‘We’ll See What Happens’

  1. My guess is he wants to control the national conversation and not let the left drag us into social issues that have ended up deciding elections, like gays getting “married”, based on the will of 2% of the population.

  2. “And I’m just wondering why we’re still talking about this”

    That’s pretty much what Romney said four years ago when lil’ Steffie asked him if he wanted to ban contraception. We saw where that went. A narrative is under construction.

  3. Another DEMOCRAT ISSUE “gotcha” issue.
    *Thanks* Stephie*, but your cr*pola doesn’t shine anymore.

    Sorry, MJA, as much as I hate the homo matter, it is NO REASON – given all else that takes priority – to vote against Trump.

  4. And the pattern of Trump questionable positions continues, but hey this is a Democrat issue and Trump just wants to leave open the conversation so he can decide later where he stands, and besides immigration and the wall are more important and we still believe he is on the right side of that issue.

    I just wonder if any other candidate took this same position and made the same comments if it would be so quickly and easily swept to the side. Somehow I doubt it.

  5. Er…how has it been neglected to add that Trump also said that he believes same-sex marriage should be “a states’ rights issue and that’s the way it should have been ruled on,” adding: “I would have much preferred that they ruled at a state level and let the states make those rulings themselves.” So, here we have a guy endorsing the classic conservative respect for states’ rights and he STILL gets attacked. Sigh. Whatevah.

  6. Just curious nora tomlinson, what is your source for this assertion. I went and watched the actual interview and it isn’t in there. On doing a search I found many contradictory remarks on LGBT issues by Trump, appearing to be trying to play both sides of the issue. So I was curious what your source was since it seems legitimate that Trump should be attacked on any issue where he is contradicting himself so frequently.

  7. Woody, she didn’t claim he said it there; I heard it in one of his stump speeches.

    Since you’re just looking for p!§$ing points against Trump, I’ll respectfully suggest you find the exact speech yourself.

  8. Republicans lose elections on social issues EVERY TIME.
    Fix the friggin’ country with immigration enforcement, seal the border, bring back jobs, fix the economy, end sanctuary cities, crime will go down, illegals gone, etc…
    We’ll finally have a chance to win an election on social issues when all the corruption and Democrat voter fraud is erased by sealing the border and illegal immigration taken care of. Until then, it’s a lost cause. Do you want to be Right? or Smart?

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