Donald Trump: Phony Dossier Is a ‘Crooked Hillary Pile of Garbage’ – IOTW Report

Donald Trump: Phony Dossier Is a ‘Crooked Hillary Pile of Garbage’

Breitbart: President Donald Trump again dismissed the phony Russia “dossier” after watching a Fox News report discrediting the information in it.

“WOW,” Trump wrote, pointing to the Fox & Friends report. “Dossier is bogus. Clinton Campaign, DNC funded Dossier. FBI CANNOT (after all of this time) VERIFY CLAIMS IN DOSSIER OF RUSSIA/TRUMP COLLUSION. FBI TAINTED.”

Trump appeared amazed that the dossier was used to accuse his campaign of colluding with Russia.

“[T]hey used this Crooked Hillary pile of garbage as the basis for going after the Trump Campaign!” he exclaimed.


17 Comments on Donald Trump: Phony Dossier Is a ‘Crooked Hillary Pile of Garbage’

  1. This is the true reason why liberals and the GOP-lite hate Trump. It’s not because he’s racist, sexist or homophobic like they claim. It’s because he’s a real threat to their corrupt agenda.

  2. @Walpurgis–you mean like having an illegal server and destroying emails? Lying to the FBI is only illegal if you are Scooter Libby, Martha Stewart, or Michael Flynn. The Clintons are not eligible for punishment.

  3. They’ve done crap like this forever, but they underestimated TRUMP and assumed everyone just had to love bubba’s husband che guahillary as they do. He wasn’t suppose to stand up to them. We the pissants were to just believe it because the “news” reported it.

  4. “The MSM and celebrities will continue howling – Russian collusion, white supremacist, nazi, racist, rapist, no matter what.”

    Yes, they will, even well after Trump’s second term is completed.

    The Trump haters will believe it all, but it doesn’t matter, because they will never be swayed from their TDS.

    Trump’s base won’t believe it all, but it doesn’t matter because they won’t be swayed from their support of PDJT.

    The fence sitters, those who CAN be swayed, will eventually realize all the continual baseless accusations are a pile of horse shit and will dismiss the continual leftist blathering. That, right there, is a win for US.

  5. I would imagine that if I had to listen to all the shit the MSM has reported on this so called collusion for a year I’d be getting pretty pissed right now too. Not only would I have a few things to say about the perpetual harassment I would unleash the beasts of hell to get even. Hellery took things way too far and DT will not relent until payback is achieved. DT will not do anything overt but let the slow turning wheels of justice operate.

  6. Anonymous, I haven’t heard much about the sales numbers for “What Happened” Wonder why. They sure were talking about the “record-breaking” sales when it first came out. Not so much now.

    And wasn’t the Tan Turd of Taqiyah supposed to be writing another autobiography down in Tahiti? Not so much about that now, either.

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