Donald Trump Promises 30,000 Rally Goers in Ohio He Will Fix America – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Promises 30,000 Rally Goers in Ohio He Will Fix America

Bounding on stage before a massive audience of 30,000 supporters in Cleveland, Ohio, GOP nominee Donald Trump promises that he will reverse the damage that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have done to the nation.


Breitbart: Trump appeared before the huge Cleveland audience on Saturday evening, October 22. Cleveland was the town that hosted the 2016 GOP nominating convention and the crowd was extremely enthusiastic to see their nominee once again.

Before Trump took the stage, several other speakers addressed those gathered, including former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and GOP vice presidential nominee and Indiana Governor Mike Pence. But another speaker whose voice was heard this night was Brook Park, Ohio Mayor Tom Coyne, a lifelong Democrat who has endorsed Trump.

Mayor Coyne is particularly supportive of Trump’s pledge to bring jobs back to the U.S., as his town has been decimated by job loss.

“Northeast Ohio has been decimated for the last 15, 20 years and continues to bleed manufacturing jobs and you cannot have a middle class being revived in this country unless you make things in America again,” Mayor Coyne recently said.

Once Trump took the stage ,he promised that “In seventeen days, we’re going to win the White House.”

The GOP nominee then promised to “deliver real change that puts America first.”

11 Comments on Donald Trump Promises 30,000 Rally Goers in Ohio He Will Fix America

  1. Donald Trump listen to Lazlo!
    Get out there TODAY and tell America that if elected you will WAIVE any claim to the Bonuses given to our Armed Forces, and tell America that you will fine and demote the two ass wipes involved:
    The asswipe who promised and implemented this payment.
    The other asswipe who implemented the collection process.

  2. Lazlo, They need that money back so they can send more to Iran. Fuel Rods ain’t cheap. Russia minds the Uranium here. Then needs to ship it way back to mother Russia where they turn it into expensive fuel rods. We pay Iran so they can buy Russian Fuel Rods that were made from Uranium mined here, weaponize it, and and do their best to redeposit that Uranium back here in the United States. It all makes perfect sense.

  3. They bussed in Hillary’s supporters to her Cuyahoga County college rally. I suspect the Ohio campaign staff made up most of the tiny crowd. Patheitic compared to Trump rally

    Clap please!

  4. Brad, exactly.
    One of my clients yesterday was a soldier that just got out last year.
    He was Air Borne. I asked him about it.
    I feel sorry for whoever the poor bastard responsible for this is, if that fine young soldier ever gets a hold of him.
    With all the money the US Government pisses away, they can let this money go.
    And Trump is the Business equivalent of a mechanic. A nonworking engine/system is a personal affront, and waste and inefficiencies are nettlesome in the extreme.

  5. Not only is Mayor Coyne a life-long Democrat he comes from a family of prominent D’s in NE Ohio. That’s a big endorsement up here. Brookpark used to be solidly working class and had degenerated into a heck of a lot welfare and Section 8.

    In March when we went to the I-X Center for our first Trump rally there were a couple thousand people. 30,000 at Saturday’s rally is, wait for it, Yuuuuuuge.

    Hot chicks for Trump 2016!

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