Donald Trump Promises The Death Penalty For Killing An Officer – Wins Major Police Endorsement – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Promises The Death Penalty For Killing An Officer – Wins Major Police Endorsement

“Anybody killing a policeman, a policewoman, a police officer, anybody killing a police officer: Death penalty is going to happen, okay?”
“The police and the law enforcement in this country — I will never ever let them down, just remember that.”

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33 Comments on Donald Trump Promises The Death Penalty For Killing An Officer – Wins Major Police Endorsement

  1. OK Don, but the states have control over the death penalty. How about the fact that states determine whether or not they have death penalty?

    Back off from being king of America Don, we already have one in the white hut and that’s not working out very well.

  2. Lotta good that’ll do. The kind of people who kill cops know they could get killed on the street tomorrow by one of their enemies. If they kill a cop they’ll go to prison and game the system for 20 years, hoping a liberal judge will give them life instead.

  3. I have to agree with farts.
    We need someone who will finally stand up to this PC thinking.
    I’m so sick of BLM and the Progs and their sorry bs!
    All these politico’s are too worried about their legacies. Enough!
    We need MEN & some women in position to make a difference and bring back some pride in this country!

  4. I think you are missing the point of how Trump operates. Make what would seem to some an outrageous statement just out of the blue and then watch the media and the left go bonkers. They will in turn make fools of themselves putting words in Trump’s mouth. The importance of the statement is already evidenced by the police unions siding with Trump. With the conversation now started that puts Trump in the driver’s seat. He owns the media.

  5. Donald does not own the media.

    O’bamalamadigdong owns the media because they will not clutch their pearls, will not editorialize, will not make headlines, will not have a fit over the outrageous unconstitutional he says he is going to do..

  6. re-posted for emphasis:

    Donald does not own the media.

    O’bamalamadigdong owns the media because they will not clutch their pearls, will not editorialize, will not make headlines, will not have a fit over the outrageous unconstitutional things he says he is going to do.. or the outrageous unconstitutional things he has already done.

  7. Well, he’ll have a pen and a phone, ya know… 😉
    Besides, if the states don’t, he’ll cut off some entitlement funding.
    And then there’s interstate flight…
    Anyway, even if he was just giving cops the wink-wink-nod-nod just to ‘off’ the perp, the cops will love him for it.

  8. You just nailed what bothers me about Trump. Clarification.
    He needs to learn that if he’s going to make statements like that, he needs to add something like, “As president, I will encourage / not get in the way of each individual state to make this/ that happen.” Or something to that effect. And he better get used to saying that.

    So many of these candidates forget we are citizens of our cities and states FIRST. Then America.

  9. Zonga, I was just having this conversation with someone this morning and this is what I’ve concluded about Trump’s leadership style. First off, because he is not a Washington insider or held federal office, he doesn’t have the wonkishness of some of his competitors. But to most, that is a big plus and so what comes next makes sense to us. He sees the problem (targeted hate and murder of police) and seeks a solution to stop it (death penalty). It’s really not Trump trying to be a king. He’s a leader. Big, big difference.

    The top ranking officer of a military unit doesn’t say “Okay, fellas, we need to take that hill over there and here’s how I want you to do it.” The leader doesn’t care, outside the rules of engagement, how the hill is taken. He leaves that to the experts whose jobs are to take hills.

    Leadership is a word that gets bandied about a lot in politics. I haven’t seen anything that approaches Trump’s style of leadership — and it is proven many times over — in D.C. Real leadership is defined by results, not speeches. And Trump reminds people at his rallies that it’s all going to be a big waste of time if his campaign fails to win.

    (Not the point, I know, but who wouldn’t be in favor of making cop killing a federal crime? If congress had the leadership and will, they could have a long time ago.)

  10. “Leader” is the English word for “Fuhrer.”

    We need an Executive, who will faithfully execute the laws of this nation and uphold and defend the Constitution.

    Sheep and krauts need “Fuhrers.”

  11. Zonga, “themedia” (sounds like one word) is totally owned by the person or persons who bring in the revenue. If you compare obama (on his way down/out) with Trump, there is no comparison who is going to bring in the eyeballs and the sponsorship dollars. It’s why Trump can tell FBN that he wants $5MM for charity on the next debate. He knows that a 30-second ad normally brings in $2,500., but that during the debates (which were probably subsidized by the feds because they lose money) those same ads bring in ten times that amount. And who is causing those ratings? It’s not Huckabee, Bush, Rubio or kasich. Couldn’t be. Democrats and Indies hardly know who those guys are!

    But Trump not only owns the media from a revenue standpoint. He owns them because they cannot not report on him. And I guess from that view it comes back to revenue as well.

    (Again, I know it’s not the point, but who doesn’t want to see themedia soiling itself after decades of lies and complicity with the Left?)

  12. haahah! Oh dear, Tim. That is a real stretch. Are you saying I’m a neo-Nazi or something, now?

    And now that you bring it up, the Germans are in big, big trouble now because they are so against anything that looks like real leadership (or, I guess, “Fuhrership”).

    Has anyone here ever been led by a great leader? Are we now going to start saying that the presidency is just a titular head?


  13. As much as I like leo’s, shouldn’t it be death penalty for all murders?
    All lives matter, why some more than others. What if someone you love is killed by some low life? Are they then somehow not as dead?

  14. There is nothing in the Constitution that permits the central govt to have anything to do with criminal law outside treason and counterfeiting.

    Of course, that hasn’t stopped that same constitution-trashing central govt from enacting tons of fedcrimes.

  15. So he’s really trying not to be king. He’s just being a “big picture” kind of leader, don’t bother him with the details kind of leader, just get it done somehow kind of leader, like he can just dictate what will or will not be law, doesn’t need to talk about the power or limitations of power of the executive? Doesn’t have to give the Constitution/Bill of Rights/three branches of government any salute at all because — Wait, did I JUST WRITE DICTATE? OMG THAT’S ONLY TWO Letters away from DICTATOR!



    I get your point Abigail. I think he needs to add more details about how he is going to do some things and realize some things he wants to do may be unconstitutional, so quit it!

    I know those details have never worried our latest couple of presidents evah!

  16. Didn’t say that at all. I’m just sick of these power-hungry maggots braying about “leadership.” This used to be a Republic. “We” were sovereign. The “people of the United States.”

    Don’t attempt to read too much into a statement.

    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  17. Well, I guess we can agree to disagree then.

    Just one other thought on this, though. Being big picture is exactly what great leadership is. Being visionary enough to instill excitement and determination in those led is much different and a lot less functionary than having a goal and determining every single step to attaining it. To say that because one doesn’t have a complete set of blueprints to a goal that it means they are merely dictating from the upper reaches, I think, is a mistaken concept of leadership. Real examples might be heads of corporations like Apple. The head leads based on core values of the company, and if one of those values is to lead innovation then he tasks everyone to think along those lines. He/She doesn’t want yesterday’s news, they want fresh ideas and they create an atmosphere for that. That’s leadership, not dictatorship. He can’t crawl inside each employee’s head and manage their creative output, he can only create a space which allows it to be expressed, recognized and rewarded. This is completely applicable to Trump’s “Make America Great Again.” So many Americans are feeling beaten down we need a strong leader who can reignite our own sense of individual strength. The number of people who are no longer in the job market — some 90 millions — truly need and want someone who really means they will get the economy back on track and bring jobs back. They don’t care — so long as it is legal — how he does it. And meaning no disrespect at all, Zonga, I think it’s kind of mean to say people in those circumstances are looking for or would be happy or are dumb enough to accept a dictator.

    Call it dictatorship if you will, I completely disagree.

  18. I think that also includes murdering federal officers. The point I was trying to make, really, is that given the current situation of police being targets of vocal groups like BLM, maybe we do need to consider a federal law dictating sentencing. I’m not an expert on constitutional law and SCOTUS rulings regarding states’ rights, but I sincerely doubt we need to be alarmed at the idea or that we can rightfully accuse Trump of being a dictator wannabe over it. He’s just trying to solve a big problem. The one to worry over is obama for the next year.

  19. Exactly MJA (and Zonga). Why do Trump supporters constantly seem to be explaining “what he really meant?” Why can’t he say what he really meant. And if he is saying it, then Zonga’s criticisms are justified.

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