Donald Trump Reads Aloud 2017 Tweets from Whistleblower’s Lawyer Declaring a ‘Coup’ – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Reads Aloud 2017 Tweets from Whistleblower’s Lawyer Declaring a ‘Coup’


President Donald Trump kicked off his political rally in Lousiana on Wednesday by reading off tweets declaring a “coup” against the president in January 2017.

The president pulled a printed copy of the Fox News story out of his jacket and read it to the cheering crowd.

“I don’t know if you saw, I’m coming off the plane and they hand me — look at this character — they just hand me this story,” he said, referring to Mark S. Zaid, the attorney representing the so-called “whistleblower” in the impeachment inquiry against the president.

“Coup has started. First of many steps,” Zaid wrote. “Rebellion, Impeachment will follow ultimately.”

Trump called Zaid a “sleazeball” and read another post on Twitter from the lawyer predicting that “CNN will play a key role in Donald Trump not finishing out his first term.”

“It’s all a hoax, it’s a scam, and you know who helps them, these people, the media,” Trump said, pointing to the back of the hall, as the crowd booed. MORE HERE

24 Comments on Donald Trump Reads Aloud 2017 Tweets from Whistleblower’s Lawyer Declaring a ‘Coup’

  1. “Greg Rubini @GregRubini
    8h8 hours ago
    10. okay. I have now PROOF that Ciaramella’s attorney and John Brennan communicated and coordinated actions.”

    Now that will be entertaining if true, and if Greg really has the proof he claims to have. As an encore – reports of how John Brennan and his co-conspirators are handling life in prison would be sweet, too.

  2. Well now! I guess Pelosi et al are right to call POTUS Trump the most dangerous man in America. Seeing things from their perspective, I’d be alarmed too! I cannot wait to see the smirk wiped off Peter Strozk’s demonic face — replaced by tearful sniveling as he rats out his “brothers” for making him do it.

  3. As far as I am concerned, it is the Democrat party that is the greatest threat to America right now. They have made themselves the ideological enemy of everything that this nation stands for. They represent fascism, bigotry and pseudo, perfidious patriotism.

  4. Orangebad NaziFuhrer is unfair using Democrats words like that. It should be illegal for him to quote anyone, he should be impeached for it.

    Gaia, how I miss my Lord and Savior, Lightbringer Barack Obama. He loved me and never treated people badly. He is Love in human form. I hope he runs next year, I’ll vote 10 times for him again.

  5. @ C S-D — I’m so sorry for your loss of the Lightbringer. He and the former First “Lady” are sound asleep on their $15,000 mattress in their $15,000,000. cottage by the sea, not dreaming of you. So sorry.

  6. this whole coup is very heavy handed and blatant, almost like we are supposed to figure it all out.
    then what happens if none of the elite players are convicted or only lower players are sent to jail?

    are we sure we are not being set up to start a civil war

    which will never end up like we think it will, with all the ills corrected from our current form of government.

    I think this is an elaborate hoax which will in the end be used to destroy our constitution of “negative rights” only to be replaced with what those that tell the deep state what to do, with a much more compliant set of rules that does not confine the politicians.

    I cannot shake the feeling we are seeing plans with in plans

  7. @bill – I can see why you might suspect that, but honestly they’re just not that smart.
    (have ya seen who they have running for President??)
    These impudent, cock-sure democRATz started down the proverbial slippery slope that they should have stayed away from and now they’re too deep into it! As with most criminals, given enough rope, they’ll hang themselves.
    Indict, perp-walk, prosecute and jail.

  8. Democrats and Coup leaders are safe…nothing will happen to them because they control the government, are enjoying the massive propaganda from the Media, the young are being trained by Google et al as Pavlovian rats, the Left controls language and the relativistic arguments that equate good and evil, denigrate Law and claim Truth as Lies, Lies as Truth will prevail…Trump will go to prison for pointing out Biden’s corruption, his empire dismantled and Hillary will sit in her mansion with a knowing smile…and then, the Conservatives, Blacks, Hispanics etc. will be harmed..until misery forces compliance.

  9. @bill – The Clownfarts on the the field don’t matter at all. As I have stated many times in the past, it simply does not matter which face the coaches slap on their platform, it is still Socialism that they are selling. They want the power and will do anything to get it, so from that standpoint I don’t rule out civil war in that equation either. I just tend think they will accidentally fall into it if it happens.

  10. Took somebody three fukkin years to figure this out?
    Or just to find the “proof?”

    Kinda makes your head scratch … Why does the phrase: “Blind armies fighting on a darkling plain” come to mind?

    “Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
    And we are here as on a darkling plain
    Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
    Where ignorant armies clash by night.”
    but what the Hell?)

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. That guy’s reputation as a high profile, big league, attorney has to have taken a big hit. If his career survives this you might find him advising clients as a court appointed lawyer for those that can’t afford representation. Hopefully he will find a following as a jailhouse lawyer for fellow inmates.

  12. “… he will find a following as a jailhouse lawyer …”

    Under a Sanders, Warren, Gabbard, Buttigieg, Clinton, or Biden Administration he would be appointed to the Supremes – AND confirmed.

    izlamo delenda est …


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