Donald Trump Responds To Rumors Of Rift Between Him And Ron DeSantis – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Responds To Rumors Of Rift Between Him And Ron DeSantis

Conservative Brief-As the 2024 presidential election season approaches it appears that the media wants to create a rift between the two most popular Republicans in the nation, but Donald Trump is putting those rumors to rest. more

10 Comments on Donald Trump Responds To Rumors Of Rift Between Him And Ron DeSantis

  1. “according to an anonymous source”

    Do you anonymouses who post here understand why the folks here give you less than enthusiastic interactions or take your comments seriously? LOL!

  2. AA, after the turn this nation has taken, where citizens protesting in favor of honest elections can be summarily detained at the whim of a corrupt justice department, you wonder why some remain anonymous?

    Seriously,it says at the top of every post who posted it. If you read Anonymous and are dismissive, then don’t read the post. Simple enough?

  3. @Anonymous #XXX — Chill. Did you read the “LOL!” after my comment? And don’t be so afraid. Now is the time for boldness. The bully Left thrive because of our fear.

    “Then out spoke brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate:
    “To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late;
    And how can man die better than facing fearful odds,
    For the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods,. . . ” “Horatius At The Bridge” ~ Thomas Babington MacCaulay


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