Donald Trump Taunts Florida Democrats for Nominating Socialist Andrew Gillum – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Taunts Florida Democrats for Nominating Socialist Andrew Gillum

Big Gov: President Donald Trump celebrated Wednesday that the Republican nominee for Florida governor was facing a radical socialist in the election.

“Not only did Congressman Ron DeSantis easily win the Republican Primary, but his opponent in November is his biggest dream,” Trump marveled on Twitter. “A failed Socialist Mayor named Andrew Gillum who has allowed crime & many other problems to flourish in his city.”

Gillum surprised the Democrat establishment in [Florida] with a primary victory. He was endorsed by socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders and ran on a platform of universal health care, a $15 an hour minimum wage, abolishing ICE, and repealing Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” gun defense law.

“This is not what Florida wants or needs!” Trump wrote on Twitter.

Gillum was endorsed by liberal billionaires Tom Steyer and George Soros and published a video calling for Trump’s impeachment.  more

13 Comments on Donald Trump Taunts Florida Democrats for Nominating Socialist Andrew Gillum

  1. the demons only have crooks and treasonous people running for office

    what do they promise the people?
    impeachment of trump and raising taxes

    just another crooked demon running for the rats in the demon rat party
    if they win or lose you can find them offering a child to their great satan at their spirit cooking parties with famous satanist like hillary bernie obama et all in the demon rat party

  2. Trump is going to keep an eye on this race because of his 2nd home property in Florida.

    Last night while searching through the news, there were so many articles and videos from CNN and MSNBC regarding DeSantis saying the word monkey, which had nothing to do with the Bernie candidate’s skin color. Good gravy, they were all, “How DARE he call Gillum a MONKEY!!!” Well, DeSantis didn’t call Gillum a monkey… YOU fake news guys did. Are they EVER embarrassed by each other???

  3. BTW, Gillum’s mayor of Tallahassee Florida. You wanna see some city/political corruption the likes of Albany and New Orleans? Go check out what Gillum’s been doing for, and with, his ‘friends’ in the hotels and construction business. Corrupt to the core. It’s so bad, the Feds had to come in and investigate.

  4. Only won in 19 of our 67 counties.
    Got about as many votes as Putnam, our second place republican candidate and only around 34%.
    Should have been a runoff between him and daddy’s girl Gwen Hurm.

  5. MJA, I find it amusing how the people who scream about having their tone policed are such dedicated word cops.

    Can you imagine the screaming sirens if DeSantis had talked about a confederation of…anything?


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