Donald Trump to Virginians: Liberate Your State, Save the 2nd Amendment – IOTW Report

Donald Trump to Virginians: Liberate Your State, Save the 2nd Amendment

Breitbart: With Americans growing weary of perceived state government overreach, President Trump is standing with Virginians, calling them to liberate their state and save the Second Amendment.

Trump’s tweet comes just days after Governor Ralph Northam (D) made clear he was keeping Virginians at home this week and almost a week after he signed now gun controls, aimed at limiting the number of guns law-abiding Virginians can purchase in a given month. read more

26 Comments on Donald Trump to Virginians: Liberate Your State, Save the 2nd Amendment

  1. “The 2nd Amendment is our Federal Right not the states.”

    The problem is that the USSC has left broad leeway for the States to regulate that to a very large degree without it being considered a violation of the 2nd Amendment.

    Those decision would need to be reversed first, and USSC decisions are really hard to get reversed once they have been made.

  2. When does California’s call to arms start?….It’s been 40 years in the making….Caifornia should be the first/next Lexington & Concord….Virginia may be the second… is cheap, bullshit covers your boots….

  3. “BB, you said the GOA, NRA,”

    That’s a lie. I constantly bad mouth the NRA here. The GOA is a great organization but way to small. It’s been my opinion for a long time that if we want our country back it’s up to us.

  4. Willy

    The 40 years is part of the problem. We were atheist frog in the frying pan. But, the 9th now leans conservative. Why haven’t the massive amount of law suites we were promised by the NRA begun?

  5. @Bad-Brad….I’m on your side. I witnessed Colorado’s demise. There was nothing to do that hadn’t been tried and it failed, Colorado is gone, gone, gone, so I left…..

    You doin’ good?…Treatments fading away?……Why do they call them treatments when it sure ain’t a treat?….Be well, hell everybody be well!…..

  6. Willy,
    We’ve pretty much always been on the same side. If some shit were to start in any state. I sure like the way Virginia’s terrain lays out.
    Is Trump realizing he needs to get the people out on the front lines?
    Strange times.

  7. Trump is a business man not a politician therefore: Donald J. Trump who some of you may think of him as a jerk, or whatever. BUT I think of him as being MY President, and anything BUT a Jerk..
    He’s a New Yorker. He may be crude at times, and can even be rude at times. He gets his feelings hurt and he can become a hot head. And then he hits back harder. And perhaps he should Tweet a bit less.
    But let me tell you what else he is.
    He is a guy that demands perfect performance.
    He is a guy that asks lots of questions.
    The questions he asks aren’t cloaked in fancy “political” phrases; they are “why the hell…” questions.
    For decades the health industry has thrown away billions of face masks after one use. Trump asks, “why the hell are we throwing them away? Why not sterilize them and use them numerous times?”
    He’s the guy that gets hospital ships readied in one week when it would have taken a bureaucrat weeks or months to get it done.
    He’s the guy that gets temporary hospitals built in three days.
    He’s the guy that gets auto industries to restructure to build ventilators in a business that’s highly regulated by agencies that move like sloths.
    He’s the guy that asks “why aren’t we using drugs that might work on people that are dying; what the hell do we have to lose?”
    He’s the guy that restricted travel from China when the Democrats and liberal media were screaming “xenophobia” and “racist.” Now they’re wanting to know why didn’t he react sooner?
    He’s the guy that campaigned on securing the border – protecting America – in the face of screaming Democrats and the liberal media. When he shut down borders in the midst of the coronavirus virus, they screamed louder. Then the rest of the world followed suit, including the European Union with travel between their member countries.
    Has he made mistakes? Yes.
    Everyone I know has and does.
    The “experts” wouldn’t and haven’t done any better.
    Trump is working harder than I’ve ever seen a President work. Twenty-four hour days. He isn’t hiding in his office; he’s out front – Briefing – every day.
    When he offers hope, he’s lying and when he’s straight forward, he should be hopeful. It’s a no win situation, but he’ll not be deterred.
    I’ll take this kind of leadership six days a week and twice on Sunday over a “polished, nice guy” politician who reads prepared speeches from a teleprompter and answers pre-scripted questions.
    He is my President

  8. Political Chic

    No question DJT is a task driven hard charger. Your description is accurate.

    Question, did DJT have an accurate picture of the opposition before Admiral Rodgers defied BoRock and briefed him. How many people can be actually count on? Considering the circumstances he’s doing an amazing job. But I don’t see how this ends without some level of violence

  9. @ Bad_Brad April 18, 2020 at 1:33 pm

    Yes it is a lie, a flat out lie. I have followed your posts on this subject and it is damnable slander at ascribe bullshit like that to you.

    FWIW, here again is my absolutely 100% consistent take on the NRA. It is more generous than Brad’s.

    I am a Benefactor member and all three kids are Life members of the NRA. We support their education and competition programs. It is the NRA-ILA that is a curse.

    Constrain and direct ALL donations to the NRA and give to GOA for Second Amendment defense. That is the only way to do it. The NRA-ILA is infested with shitbags who move back and forth between government and the ILA. They are FAR TOO cozy with politicians. They lie with a straight face and will dry-shave gun owners every time they get the opportunity.

    DO join and support the NRA education and competition programs though.

    I am also a GOA Life member and contributor.

  10. If you recall there was a HUUUUGE 2A protest in Richmond at the beginning of the year.

    Guv Blackface said FUCK YOU and proceeded with his socialist agenda.

    I was thinking of another protest of his draconian shut down, shuttering businesses of all kinds, except the abortion mills.

    But we’ll get the same response. In the meantime, we Virginians are starting to prairie dog. And our heads are popping up here and there.

    We know that the ultimate smack down of leftists in this state will happen at the ballot box this November.
    Northam and state level electors aren’t on the ballot this year. But Sen Mark Warner is. Donald Trump is. And all 11 Congressmen are; including Abigail Spanberger, Jennifer Wexton, Don Breyer, Gerry Connelly, Bobby Scott and Donald McEachin.

    Granted, the state has erased voter ID laws in
    Their favor and have threatened the very existence of even holding an election, but if an undesirable outcome occurs, Virginians may soon become your neighbors.

    If no election is held, there will be a bloody war.

  11. “The 2nd Amendment is our Federal Right not the states”
    Wrong again, Aninnyness; The rights enumerated in The Bill Of Rights are recognized as endowed by our Creator, not any men.
    Including & especially the 2nd.
    We’re only reluctant to start because some of us are aware of what we’ll ALL experience once it does.
    No one but a psycho wants to see carnage.

  12. JDHasty

    I did a Pro-forma for an investment group that was thinking about doing a huge indoor gun range in our Biz Park. Turns out that the NRA has wetter all the criteria for gun ranges and their criteria is what counties rely on. So you are correct, their education and competition programs. They have written the definition of the American gun. I wish we could get their political side straightened out.

  13. @PHenry April 18, 2020 at 3:59 pm

    > there will be a bloody war

    Awwww… You so cute!

    How many casus belli have there been? Now? Just in Virginia?

    How many not free Wacos? (Trick question! Patriots™ swore “No more free Wacos”. If we — the rest of us proles, we — continue paying for them… pay, vacay, buying their kids titles, pensions… well, then tit tisn’t “free”? Now ist it?)

    Come to think of it… How many “refuse to complies” have there even been? Just in Virginia?

    It’s almost, not quite, of course, but almost, like the fake resistance (of good conscience) is as fake as the political resistance (of good bowties). Almost. Of course. I don’t think the stalwart patriots get paid, nearly, as much of other peoples’ money, for their fake resistance, as the loyal purveyors of bowties. But, Virginia’s rates may vary.

  14. I hadn’t seen much of Political Chic before. Good description of our President. The libs hate having a guy that gets things done in the Oval Office. They are much more comfortable forming a study group and discussing the merits of one idea over another.

  15. If Trump starts interfering in states it will be negative for him. By being supportive of those states without interference it’s a win for him and you. Get rid of the liberals taking away your rights and everybody wins.

  16. I am sorry. We are all anonymous to a degree, adopting screen names so as to not lose our jobs so as to be able to express opinions, but when multiple individuals with disparate viewpoints post as anonymous, it’s hard to tell one mom’s basement dweller from another.

    How cute!


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