Donald Trump Unveils Dramatic Details of Assassination Attempt – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Unveils Dramatic Details of Assassination Attempt

Moment It Happened, Who’s to Blame, Why He Got Up and Yelled ‘Fight, Fight, Fight.’

7 Comments on Donald Trump Unveils Dramatic Details of Assassination Attempt

  1. If President Trump had not immediately got to his feet and left watchers thinking he was dead, the war would have started right then.

    Keep that in mind the next time you try this, Commies.

    That man is currently the ONLY person holding back the flood. Take away our last hope and the streets will run red with your blood.

    He knew that, so he did what he did to forestall it.

    He showed YOU mercy in that act, even as he showed US his courage.

    I know Communists dont know either of those words, so lets just say that, try it again, youll find out just what “ungovernable” REALLY means.

    …but not for long…

  2. Oh SNS, I SO agree with you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The IDIOTS behind all this have figured we’ll all be so angry or despondent or confused that we won’t know what to do.

    Won’t it fabulous to show these TRAITORS how wrong they are!

  3. Anonymous
    Monday, 26 August 2024, 12:49 at 12:49 pm

    “The IDIOTS behind all this have figured we’ll all be so angry or despondent or confused that we won’t know what to do.”

    …we know what to do.

    The Founders actually left us written instructions.

    And history informs the rest.


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