Donald Trump Urges Georgia Supporters to Vote for Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in Senate Runoffs – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Urges Georgia Supporters to Vote for Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in Senate Runoffs


President Donald Trump on Friday told his supporters to defend the Republican Senate majority by backing Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and David Perdue (R-GA) in the Georgia runoff elections.

The president reacted to a Newsmax article about Trump supporters in Georgia considering a boycott of the election.

“No, the 2020 Election was a total scam, we won by a lot (and will hopefully turn over the fraudulent result), but we must get out and help David and Kelly, two GREAT people,” Trump wrote on Twitter. more

SNIP: Forget about that boycott business. I’ve read that it’s an idea created by the same Dem who was lying and spreading lies about Parler, accusing them of censorship.

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7 Comments on Donald Trump Urges Georgia Supporters to Vote for Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in Senate Runoffs

  1. There never should have been two US Senator races at the same time in the general election.
    However, a loot of this could have been avoided if the Governor had appointed Doug Collins instead of this gal.
    Since that didn’t happen, there should have even a primary vote to determine the Republican and democrat to run in the general. The general election is no place for a jungle primary with a dozen or so candidates.

  2. Hopefully the Republicans will consider that the Democrats might possibly try to rig the outcome of this election and preemptively establish measures to catch and prevent it if they do.

  3. I’m a Georgia voter. It disgusts me that we are being fed a shit sandwich by our chicken farmer Governor (strange that we have so many in our state politics). Kelly Loeffler is a democrat sympathizer and has no business being a Senator for our great state. It’s going to take a lot of pepto and mouthwash to vote for her but deep state has set us up once again.

  4. “Hopefully the Republicans will consider that the Democrats might possibly try to rig the outcome of this election….”

    Fat chance. Stacy Abrams has already flooded the state w/850k mail in ballots, so the Rs are behind 850 before the runoff even begins.
    I say fat chance b’cause the Rino’s in GA are fully aware, they just don’t care. Whatever’s behind that “Consent Agreement” Ruffensperger penned w/Abrams is apparently worth his weight in Gold.

    I’ll admit, Trump is more of a forgiving soul than I am. Aside from sabotaging him throughout his first term, McConnell et al have not lifted a finger to fight for him over the Biden steal, yet we all understand the importance of keeping two senate seats.

  5. @Anonymous,

    Don’t be so sure President Trump is so forgiving. He has clearly stated in his books and in public that he will always get even. He knows who all these people are and exactly how to punish them. In addition, his timing is always perfect.

  6. @ Tiger Eyes: That’s as profoundly good a hope as one could run across. Let’s hope punishment involves some physical pain, confinement and bankruptcy if not “terminal” events for many of them, in addition to loss of status and public ridicule. I ran out of cheeks to turn long long ago!

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