Donald Trump Vows to Campaign in Alaska Against Lisa Murkowski in 2022 – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Vows to Campaign in Alaska Against Lisa Murkowski in 2022


Former President Donald Trump said Saturday he would campaign against Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) in 2022 when she is due for reelection.

“I will not be endorsing, under any circumstances, the failed candidate from the great State of Alaska, Lisa Murkowski,” Trump said in a statement Politico first reported.

“She represents her state badly and her country even worse. I do not know where other people will be next year, but I know where I will be — in Alaska campaigning against a disloyal and very bad Senator,” Trump continued.

Trump also pledged to campaign against Murkowski in a series of tweets in June 2020.

Murkowski was one of seven GOP senators who voted to convict Trump in his second impeachment trial in January and is the only one going up against voters next year.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), widely viewed as the head of the establishment wing of the GOP, said recently that he would back Murkowski regardless of what Trump says. read more

24 Comments on Donald Trump Vows to Campaign in Alaska Against Lisa Murkowski in 2022

  1. Huh? Surprisingly missing from this piece of shit Politico article is WHO will be primarying Murkowski.

    Sarah Palin.

    Why is that part missing?

    Democrats and the media fear Palin as much as they fear Trump.

    Boo! Go and hide under the bed.

  2. PHenry

    You just broached the “No Shit” zone. Where’s Palin. Divorced and have orgies with Grizzly Bears? Hiding form here oldest boy? WTF? She’d be a damn good candidate. But then again, maybe she’s tired of getting her hands dirty and just wants to live as a sexy librarian in Alaska.

  3. Thus far seems to be a reliable source for information for me for many years.

    They’re showing Palin.

    Bookmark them.

    It Palin vs Murkowski for Republican nominee for Alaska senate seat.

    Trump campaigning with Palin is exciting to me.

  4. Damn. Imagine looking at that face for six months in never-setting sun. It would then haunt your dreams for six months of darkness.

    Wait, who am I to talk; I’ve got Eleanor for Eternity.

  5. @Brad.
    Exciting in a political sense. If it were in the other sense of the word, I would have to rise up in a Godzilla like fashion and throw Donald to the curb before I ravaged Sarah.

    Yeah. OK.

    Nothing I just wrote would ever happen. Ha.

    But Trump/Palin would be a hell of a campaign.

  6. @FDR in our dreams the sun stays up for six months. 🤣 And winter, especially this year, seemed to last for 15 – and still not over yet.

    Gah, I’ll take those winters ongoing if it gets Murkowski the eff out.

  7. I might spring some $$$ towards that endeavor but only if TRUMP is the leader and never a penny to the GOP. Murkowski is going to get her come uppins. I hope Susan Collins is next. It’s going to be delicious to watch it all come down on them.

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