Donald Trumper and The Art of the Wand – IOTW Report

Donald Trumper and The Art of the Wand



From CarpeDonktum:

h/t Snowball the Sourpuss.

11 Comments on Donald Trumper and The Art of the Wand

  1. Good work. I am heartened by the increasing amount of parody, agitprop, comedy, various writings and overall cultural awakening by Conservatives.

    Present company accepted, of course IOTW Report staff (and Dianny)!

  2. The one thing they cannot stand above all else: not being taken seriously (because they know they’re lying), especially when exhibited in the form of RIDICULE. They melt down faster than drunk black women at Chuck E Cheese.

  3. Poor little Barry, everything he did is steadily being erased by someone who actually knows what he’s doing.

    Before too much longer the pompous ass will be nothing but an ugly memory. And to think, Obama really knew his way around a “wand” too.

  4. I saw a poster of the portraits of all the presidents in a bookstore window. I thought that would be nice to have — until i saw Obama’s pic in it.

    Well — maybe i can use a sticker book and put a Hello Kitty over it, something cheerful, you know.

  5. Terrific. Wonderfully funny to watch – especially after the torture of watching DiFi and Shummer do the predictable whining and trashing of the FBI report this morning. To steal a line from Det Joe Kenda – I’m never surprised about what people are capable of doing, only disappointed.


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