Donald Trump’s Argument For America – IOTW Report

Donald Trump’s Argument For America

Breitbart: Donald Trump’s campaign released a new television ad on Friday titled, “Donald Trump’s Argument for America.”

The two-minute ad will run on prime time national news and entertainment channels, including NFL, NASCAR, and NCAA programs.

It’s a $4 million ad purchase aimed at major markets in key battleground states including: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Nevada, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, North Carolina ,and New Mexico, according to the Trump campaign press release.  read more

4 Comments on Donald Trump’s Argument For America

  1. Trump held a rally last weekend during a Bronco game and had no problem filling his venue plus overflow.

    I can’t believe no new dirt yesterday on DJT to discuss all weekend. Are they really out of ammunition and all that is left is to tell voters they are sexist or have celebrities scream obscenities at us to vote for her?

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