Donald Trump’s ‘Hire American’ Policies Helped Americans Get Jobs – IOTW Report

Donald Trump’s ‘Hire American’ Policies Helped Americans Get Jobs

Breitbart: President Donald Trump’s “Hire American” policy forced companies to raise wages and recruit sidelined Americans for lower-skilled jobs during the summer season, says an article in Politico.

Trump’s success was highlighted by the H-2B program, which allows companies to import low-wage workers for seasonal jobs in the United States, and which also helps cut wagesfor full-time American workers. The annual inflow is formally limited to 66,000, and the resident population is roughly 115,000, but House Speaker Paul Ryan pushed loophole laws in December 2015 and in May 2017 to sharply raise the limit.

The combined pressure of the companies and Congress pushed Trump’s Department of Homeland Security to issue an extra 15,000 H-2B visas late in the summer, which kept the H-2B program roughly level with temporarily raised 2016 inflow.  more

5 Comments on Donald Trump’s ‘Hire American’ Policies Helped Americans Get Jobs

  1. A lot of the large PAC’s that are conservative but not officially linked to the GOP that are sitting on lots of cash ought to start using some of it in areas with high black unemployment and youth crime. Start in the papers and TV (and social media) to show the effect that Trump has on black unemployment and wages when he even just talks about deporting illegals and stopping the DACA program. A lot of illegals flee opening jobs for the black population at somewhat higher wages that the employer has to pay to get workers. Quote some specifics especially locally and in areas that have been consistantly Democrat start asking the question “Where has your loyalty gotten you?” (or something to that effect). Hell, sponser rap concerts if need be, just don’t get shot. Get black conservatives to appear in the ads telling them that supporting Trump is their chance to get off the welfare treadmill that the Democrats put them on. If conservatives want to break the Democrat/liberal hold on the black community now is the time to do it.

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