Donald Trump’s New Book Isn’t Even Out yet, and It’s Already Exposing More of the Left’s Hypocrisy – IOTW Report

Donald Trump’s New Book Isn’t Even Out yet, and It’s Already Exposing More of the Left’s Hypocrisy

PJM: Donald Trump is coming out with a new book, and even the advance publicity surrounding it is already exposing more of the seemingly endless hypocrisy and dishonesty of the Left. Given that Trump is Leftists’ hated and feared Emmanuel Goldstein figure (Goldstein, kids, was the dissident who was the focus of the state-sponsored “Two Minutes Hate” in 1984), it’s only to be expected that the book would already be driving wokesters crazy, and there are even rumblings of legal action against Trump. Hey, they couldn’t frame him for Russian collusion, Ukraine shenanigans, or the Jan. 6 “insurrection,” but now they’ve got him over his book! The walls are closing in!

The publisher, Winning Team Publishing, says that the book, Letters to Trump, is a “colorful photo book” that “captures the incredible, and oftentimes private correspondence, between President Donald J. Trump and some of the biggest names in history throughout the past 40 years!” These include, we’re told, letters to The Donald from Richard Nixon and Princess Diana, as well as some unlikely pen pals such as Hillary Clinton and Kim Jong Un. According to an Axios report Thursday, the book also includes letters from Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Mario Cuomo, Arnold Palmer, Jay Leno, Liza Minnelli, Regis Philbin (who began his with “My Dear Trumpster”), and Oprah Winfrey. It’s the letter from Oprah that simultaneously reveals the Left at its most two-faced, and that could mean a fresh round of trouble for the Trumpster. more. h/t Brad

7 Comments on Donald Trump’s New Book Isn’t Even Out yet, and It’s Already Exposing More of the Left’s Hypocrisy

  1. A winning strategy is espousing a positive future for the country and an aggressive common sense plan for making that future. People need hope and many are tired of 24/7/365 doomsdaying. People want to feel hopeful and optimistic about their future and their country’s future.


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