Donald Trump’s ‘Racist’ Appointments? – IOTW Report

Donald Trump’s ‘Racist’ Appointments?

Are the appointments of Donald Trump racist? Let’s unpack it…

23 Comments on Donald Trump’s ‘Racist’ Appointments?

  1. I think maybe I’m beginning to sense that the “rayciss” accusation has finally jumped the proverbial shark. At least I fervently hope so; it has become tiresome.

  2. This woman “gets it.”
    Our problems in this country are not about race, it’s about how our government, right and left, have doomed future generations to poverty – white, black, brown and yellow.

  3. Well first, the question of the day IS NOT are Trump’s appointments racist.

    She’s not the most melodic speaker but she sure has a handle on the nightmare. My apologies. She of course won’t go near the repercussions when the Goodie Train stops rolling. Fact is, while she notes we’re all going to have to work harder there are millions that are simply not going to work AT ALL.

    And we’re borrowing far more them $1.4B/month. Try $1.4B every 2 or 3 hours.

  4. C’mon people. You are getting caught commenting without watching.

    This video is about how Trump’s appointments ARE NOT racist. It’s about how the left, and much of the right, wants us to focus on race because they’ve bankrupted this country. It’s a squirrel.

    Trump represents a mandate by the people to reverse course on the government’s unchallenged spending, spending which will put much of the middle class below the poverty line.
    If Trump can’t do it.. we are pretty much doomed because of our past governments.
    We cannot get out of this hole.
    This is what this woman is saying.

  5. I have seen this young lady before. She is dead on with the message. What I find surprising, is her shock that Obamacare was put into place with out the ability for the people to pay for it. I have always thought that was intentional. Considering Obama’s lies, what other conclusion could you draw?

  6. We have a black Teamsters member truck driver that delivers metal to us. He works for a major supplier. He was a Ranger and comes from a Military family. We hit it off the first time we met. I had an infuriating conversation with one of his Teamster counter parts (white guy) the week before about the union. So I ask the black guy “How are you doing with the Union boys being a Trump supporter?” My wild guess but I was right. He says “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m black. They fuck with me and I’ll start screaming RACISTs at the top of my lungs”. We had a good laugh.

  7. Same guy. The metal distributor is based out of Union City Ca. (How appropriate). But they need to drive thru Oakland California to get to the main freeways. He tells me two days after the election he’s tooling down the road thru Oakland in his big ass Kenworth and people are just starting to try and block Highway 80. He stomped the throttle and laid on the air horn and the got the F out of the way. later that night one of the protesters was hit by a car.

  8. Excellent video! This is a very smart woman. Don’t dismiss her because she’s speaking to an low info audience in a way they can understand. She has simplified very complex concepts for clueless millenials and urbanites. Watch The Video. Please don’t make assumptions. Give this American conservative a chance.

  9. I like this gal! Agreed she is not the most melodious speaker ever, but I could not care less. I like listening to her b/c she has facts dead nuts on. I am tired of slick talking happy talker BS. She is on the money. give her a job over at Treasury. It is time to bury the PC bullschitt and get this country working, and this is going to take some sacrifice and working together and putting aside this racist BS that the mainstream media and the left oversell in order to keep everyone in a state of frenzy and creating ‘news.’

  10. Another view – Answers for John about Racism – from a different black girl. With a functioning mind. .

    Clearly Dad taught her to not be a whiny victim, to be self-responsible, and self reliant.
    And yes, in another video she reports she lost friends because she supports Trump.
    “liberal tears and why I love Trump” is also good. Trips abroad have also provided her an added appreciation about what’s good in America.

  11. She’s got that persuasive and seductive personality. At first, I thought yet another angry, black woman, but a few minutes into it–whamo! I’m mesmerized and in love with yet another woman. Happens to me all the time. I think they call it being addicted to women. A few nuances and a few qualities that trigger my lust and passion and evokes the hopeless romantic aspirations embedded in me and I’m gone. It’s a good thing I’m married. Forty plus years too. Adultery, as Christ tells us, even just looking at another women, is a sin. But that’s as far as I go: look but don’t touch, listen and keep it to yourself, admire and desire, and repent later. Forgive me God.

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